Pope Francis and his ‘Vatican 3’ embedded in a hospital from which he governs while he is still admitted

Francisco evolves favorably after three weeks at the Gemelli Hospital, which involves the longest income of its history. Although doctors continue to maintain the ‘reserved prognosis’, therapies are increasingly turning to intensify rehabilitation for future high.

This Saturday, the Vatican has reported that Francisco “in recent days has remained stable and, consequently, shows a good response to therapy.” He part He has included that “a slight gradual improvement” is observed.

During these three weeks, Francisco has suffered four serious episodes, of which he has been recovering, and although the entrance is lasting much more than expected at the beginning – there was a time when there was talk of a high, as late, for the one already surpassed March 5 -, all trust that the worst has happened. “There is a potato for a while,” confirms one of Francisco’s few collaborators who has been able to be in direct contact with him and that says, bluntly, that Bergoglio “is perfect of the head, progressively improving pneumonia, continues to guide the church boat and have no intention of giving up.”

The truth is that, despite its weakness, Francisco has continued signing appointments, modifying laws and accepting that relevant decrees are published, such as the change in the regulations of the city of the Vatican to grant full powers to Raffaela Petrini, the first woman mayoress Vatican, intervene an Argentine ecclesial movement, whose founder was expelled for abuse, or allow the publication of the canonical judgment of the ‘Gaztelueta case’.

Francisco has also confirmed the canonization of First Venezuelan Holy, has sent the catechesis of the last Wednesday or the texts of the Angelus that are disseminated without their presence. Also, he made two cardinals read their homilies in the Jubilee of the Deacons and Ash Wednesday. “We are not in Vacant headquarters (when the Pope dies), or in Headquarters (When the pontiff is incapacitated to carry out his mission, either because he has been arrested or because he is not in mental conditions) ”they confirm from the Holy See.

Almost nobody access the bunker

Far from Casa Santa Marta, Francisco has converted the tenth plant of the Gemelli hospital in its workplace. Not surprisingly, this place is known as the ‘Vatican 3’. Of course, the hospital is protected as a bunker. Just the Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, and his substitute, Edgar Peña Parra, twice, as well as the president of the Italian Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, at the beginning of their income, have exceeded the iron control of the Vatican Security System. So, only the medical staff has already been allowed to enter the personal secretaries of the Pontiff, who are responsible for collaborating with him in day -to -day work. Because, except the days of the great crises, Francisco has continued working.

No one can enter the tenth plant, the one reserved for papal apartments in the health center, without the permission of the medical team, which unleashed a cataract of Fake Newsthat they came to ensure that Bergoglio had died, that he was intubated or that he had been transferred to the Holy See to die in Vatican territory. Because a Pope has never died in the twin.

Perhaps to stop the rumors, the Holy See spread an audio of the Pope on Thursday night in which, in a tired and sore voice, he thanks the faithful who gather every night to pray the rosary for their health in the Plaza de San Pedro, his prayer and his closeness. “I appreciate with all my heart the prayers that do for my health from the square, I accompany you from here. May God bless you and let the Virgin take care of them. Thank you ”, it was heard, in a broken way, and in Spanish, to Bergoglio.

A kind of life test That, far from reassuring the world, he unleashed opinions found, among those who were glad to hear, finally, the pontiff, and those who criticized the broadcast, which reminded them too much of the agony of John Paul II. It had to be the Holy See that clarified that it was the Pope himself who “wanted his audio with his greeting to be broadcast.” According to Vatican Fuentes, Francisco personally urged the transmission of the message because he wanted to “thank the numerous sentences that are being made for him, thanks to which he feels like ‘carried’ and sustained by all the people of God.” And, also, to move away the demands of those who claimed proof that the Pope was still alive.

However, listening to the broken voice of Bergoglio has once again criticized those who had previously asked for a recording, or images of the Pope in the hospital, something that in their only press conference to date had discarded the doctors. “He is not dressed as a potato in the hospital, he goes with pajamas. He is a patient, and since everyone is entitled to his privacy, ”the doctors alleged, who this Thursday decided that, given the stability of the pontiff, there would be no more medical parts until this Saturday afternoon.

Papal anniversary to focus on the essential

Next Thursday, March 13, twelve years of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Bishop of Rome, replacing Benedict XVI, who formalized his historic resignation to the papacy will be completed. Many expect, for that day, if not the Pope’s discharge and his transfer to the Vatican to continue his recovery, at least the long -awaited image that reassures millions of faithful worldwide. Will Francisco return to the Vatican soon? That is something that depends on doctors. What will you do when I return? The experts consulted agree: “focus on the essential.”

What does this mean? That, probably, Francisco will have to drastically reduce hearings, public and private, which he has maintained over these twelve years. Likewise, it will be normalized that they are Cardinals of the Curia who preside over most ceremonies, with exceptions such as the canonization of Carlo Acutis, or the closing of the Jubilee Year. It remains to know what will happen in Holy Week, although on other occasions Francisco has avoided presiding over celebrations and has not even participated in the Via Crucis de Roomer in the Colosseum. We will also have to say goodbye to the image of a Pope on an airplane: it is quite unlikely that the only trip planned for this year (Nicea, coinciding with the 1700 anniversary of the creed that the church defined in the time of Constantine) becomes held, and of course the visit to the Canary Islands, right now, seems like a chimera.

On the other hand, Bergoglio will have to dedicate a good part of his efforts to “conclude his work”, as noted by a narrow collaborator of the Pontiff, who points to the ten commissions created after the Synod of the Sinodality, and that this June will present their conclusions regarding the “controversial issues” raised in the synodal debates. Among them, the change in sexual morals, the role of women in the church, the women’s diaconate, the possibility of married priests, the reform in the seminars, the ecumenism or a rereading of the authority of the bishop of Rome against other Christian churches.

And, also, and especially after the longest income of his pontificate, to set the foundations to close the only point that the millenary Vatican legislation does not cover: what to do when a Pope loses his head, enters into a coma or cannot articulate word? And, almost as important as this: who could make the decision to depose the pontiff? Because other decisions, like who will be the next Pope, will no longer be in the hands of Bergoglio. When you touch that, now, it seems not.

All information, in www.lligionndigital.org

#Pope #Francis #Vatican #embedded #hospital #governs #admitted

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