PODCAST | Sound and silence in the largest fire in the world

It is one of the largest fires in the world: 10 million hectares burned. The fire spreads through Bolivia, but also reaches Brazil, Peru, Colombia. That is, the Amazon is burning. Experts speak of a disaster of magnitudes never seen before.

Paco Raez, Spanish firefighter who has been in the fires in Bolivia, in the Chiquitano forest, near San Rafael. From there he has sent us sounds of the fire, of his work trying to extinguish it, and voice notes explaining what they have found there. Furthermore, to understand the implications that the fire has had in this area, we spoke with the researcher from the National University of Colombia, expert in deforestation and forest fires Dolors Armenteras and with El Deber journalist Nelfi Fernández, who has investigated what has happened and tries to explain the causes of this disaster.


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#PODCAST #Sound #silence #largest #fire #world

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