In the Valencian Community Valencian educational centers have just celebrated a consultation, a binding referendum, promoted by the PP government with Vox support. Without the need for us to know the result, this already meant changing the educational model. But the result is ridiculous to the Valencian right. 50.5% of families voted Valencian and 49.5% Spanish. In the provinces of Castellón and Valencia the difference in favor of the Valencian is overwhelming. Only in Alicante has chosen mostly for Spanish.
We met the detail of the consultation and what it implies with the journalist of in the Valencian Community Miguel Giménez. Also, we look out to other linguistic realities in Spain. With Angy Galvín we approach what has involved the arrival of the PP in Balears and with Gonzalo Cortizo we listen to the example of an autonomy with two co -official languages in which the PP has been in the government for many years.
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