The paperors are a viral -type contagious infection that focuses on the salivary glands. The papers cause the painful inflammation of one of the glands or both. This disease had practically disappeared thanks to the efficacy of the vaccine, but in recent years some new cases have been detected in people who are not vaccinated.
Causes of papers
A virus is the cause of the disease
Superitis (as it is also called papers) is caused by a virus that is transmitted from one person to another through infected saliva. It is very easy to get infected. In fact, infection can even occur through the saliva that exhales solely when he coughs or when sharing a glass, bottle or cutlery.
There are usually no great complications, but when they occur, you have to act quickly. These possible complications are normally inflammations somewhere in the body, for example testicles or brain. In this case, encephalitis that can be very serious occurs. Other possible complications are the loss of hearing capacity.
Symptoms of papers
Signs of the disease do not always appear
In many cases there are no symptoms and when they do it means that the infection occurred two weeks before. The most common is pain and swelling in salt salivary glands, but pain can also appear when swallowing, dizziness, vomiting, fever, general discomfort and feeling of fatigue.
Diagnosis of papers
Blood test
The doctor studies possible symptoms to identify the disease. Subsequently performs a blood test to certify the existence of papers or not.
Treatment and medication of papers
A few days off
Being a viral infection, antibiotics do not work and the most common is that after a few weeks the patient recovers in itself. It is recommended that for a few days make rest.
The vaccine
Without a doubt, there is no better prevention than the vaccine. Usually, the mumps vaccine is administered jointly with that of measles and that of the rubella. It is advisable to take two doses of the triple viral vaccine before the incorporation of the child into the school world.
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