“Bacchi hit me first, slapping and punching me I reacted instinctively kicking him first and then a second kick. But I didn't realize the severity. I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want to.” This was said during the interrogation before the Palermo prosecutor Alessandro Macaluso by Andrea Cangemi, the 20-year-old arrested on charges of having killed 20-year-old Francesco Bacchi at dawn on Sunday after a fight that started in the nightclub. Medusa' of Balestrate (Palermo).
The boy, accused of manslaughter, has been in custody since yesterday evening and is in the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo, awaiting the validation hearing of the investigating judge which should be held tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.
The young man, who works in a supermarket, defended by the lawyer Bartolomeo Parrino, told the prosecutor and the police yesterday evening what happened in the night between Saturday and Sunday. “I was involved in the fight – he said – and suddenly Bacchi hit me with slaps and punches. I reacted and threw a kick and then another kick. And I left”. Cangemi, with the kick, would have hit Bacchi at the neck and head.
#Palermo #nightclub #brawl #arrested #man #defends #responded #slaps #punches #didn39t #kill