Only 7% of Italians consume the 5 portions of fruit and vegetables recommended by the WHO for a correct and balanced diet
L'WHO has established that for proper nutrition they should consume at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Italians, as confirmed by data on the occasion of the World Health Day of April 7, are very lacking in this regard. Only 7% aged 18-69 follow WHO advice. 52% eat only 1-2 portions, 38% eat around 3-4 portions and 3% don't consume any at all. Curiously, on a geographical level, the most virtuous live in the North. The regions in which less fruit and vegetables are eaten are Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Molise.
“Certainly, to date we can say that there are very valid and effective indications to help us put into practice a health-protective eating style – declared Dr. Lucilla Tittanutritional biologist and researcher at theEuropean Institute of Oncology-IEO of Milan, contacted by Plant-Based Products Group Of Italian Food Union – and therefore consequently lower the risk of the onset of chronic diseases such as tumors or cardiovascular diseases. On the basis of these studies, we can therefore today state that a health-protective diet is based on foods of plant origin such as vegetables, legumes, cereals and wholemeal derivatives, fresh fruit, nuts, oil seeds and vegetable oils (olive and )”
According to the World Health Organization, with correct consumption of fruit and vegetables (600 g per day), over 135 thousand deaths would be avoided, i.e. a third of chronic cardiovascular diseases and 11% of strokes. The number of cancers and problems such as obesity and diabetes would also decrease.
“Unfortunately, it often happens that fruit is often considered – wrongly – an “accessory” food in addition to the main courses, – he comments Giorgio Donegani, food technologist and expert in nutrition and food education – with the result that it appears in the diet about ten times a week, and the same happens with vegetables, consumed just over half of what would be necessary. But it's never too late to make up for mistakes and correct these bad habits.”
Therefore, with the arrival of spring, experts recommend consuming fruit and vegetables of all colors, as each one brings different beneficial effects, and if it is not possible to buy fresh products there are valid plant-based alternatives.
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