“Multiple sclerosis is a disease that mainly affects women between 20 and 40 years old, therefore in a period of life that is extremely productive and in which one's future is being built. The 'I don't freak out' community creates a virtual space of sharing by women, above all, of their fears, anxieties, worries, but also of hope. We know how important the power of sharing is and how this is above all feminine.” Thus Francesca Merzagora, president of Fondazione Onda, the national observatory on women's and gender health, at Adnkronos for the 10 years of the information and awareness project on multiple sclerosis which has a community of 79 thousand people.
“I still remember when in 2014 we launched the Io non sclero website and the Facebook page – says Merzagora – 10 years have passed, many experiences. Many many activities linked to this. To celebrate the tenth anniversary this year” there is 'My greeting card' initiative”. The people who have written the 3 most significant notes “will become Ambassadors of Io non sclero and will be spokespersons for many activities and projects that we will carry out throughout the year”.
#Onda #39I #don39t #freak #out39 #young #women #affected #multiple #sclerosis