Readers ‘in search of lost time’ know that in addition to the famous episode of Magdalena, the novel contains other examples of ‘involuntary memory’ equally interesting, such as the one that happens when the narrator notes in the patio of the residence of … The Guermantes A height inequality between two cobblestones that leads him to remember the irregularities of the soil of the Baptistery of San Marcos de Venice and, after thinking about a few moments in the inexorable wear of things, to verify that his mission as a writer is to bathe in the Heraclitus river and recover what time has destroyed.
Masterpiece of universal literature made to the way in which, according to Flaubert, Books are made (“not like children, but like pyramids”), its author undertook the pharaonic work in 1906.
For 16 years, until his death in 1922, he wrote and corrected thousands of pages. By force of carrying memories, removing ashes and extracting from the feelings recovered the impressions that originated them, elaborated that for many is the supreme model of ‘the total novel’.
In it Center for this woven web based on trib And narrative talent is, of course, Marcel Proust, although not as an eye that sees everything, but as a vibrant prism that reflects in its unique singularity the air of an era and of those who lived it.
Closed chapter
When the first of the seven books consisting of the work was published, the time in question was already a closed chapter of history. His first readers, young survivors of the great war that They had never seen levites or chisters, They received it strangely. The ‘Belle Époque’ – I feel of prosperity, skepticism and desire to have fun that turned Paris into the Mecca of the ‘bon vivant’–, vanished in 1914 with the same speed with which the bubbles of the thousands of bottles of chopped champagne over the three decades that lasted.
That his flushed protagonists, including 503 characters of Proust, lived it perhaps deceived, confusing progress with decline, I will not be the one who denies it; That in the way he recalled that time he has no paragon, either. Umbral knew very well what he said when he wrote: “Some go to plot, others go to the beach and I’m going to ‘in search of lost time’.”
How was that world, that lost paradise What Proust recovered with the dazzling precision of his style? It’s hard to know. If we stick to your descriptions we may not form a full idea.
It has been said that Proust always remained in a line of infallible taste, and it is true, but this does not accredit him as a faithful witness, because that good taste is in intimate relationship with his ability to beautify how much he played. Proust is King Midas de la Hermos.

From top to bottom, ‘dead poem …’, by Gustav Moreau; Detail of ‘after lunch’, to renew; and ‘Hotel Des Roches Noires’, by Monet
Better, of course, the alternative chosen by the irreplaceable Fernando Checa, Commissioner of the exhibition of Thyssen Museum: Conjure the world of the writer by resorting to artists from the time and other ancients he admired. It is in a rare way to expose works of art, something that applauds with enthusiasm, and evoking a past time, but what better to approach the world of Proust than to show what he saw stripping him “of the charm of the imagined”?
Proust met many artists, ancient and modern. Many appear cited in their texts, which should not surprise because one of their favorite themes was art. With ‘art’ I do not refer only to painting, also to architecture, music, dance or theater, although its predilection for the first is unquestionable. Proust regularly frequented museums, He traveled to see the works of his favorite painters, He maintained continuous attention for artistic novelties …
Of all this is faithful in the exposure of the Thyssen Museum. The tour allows you to know thanks to the careful selection of paintings, photographs, clothes, the evolution of the writer’s aesthetic tastes (VErmeer, Turner, Fantin Latour, Moreau, Whistler And many others), the Paris where he lived and whose atmosphere immortalized the impressionists (Pisarro, Manet …) the people who were part of their intimate circle (among them, the Madrazo or Mariano Fortuny son)the real characters in which he was inspired to create the protagonists of the novel (which reader would not want to know what the Swann, Odette, the Duchess of Guermantes or the Baron Charlus?), The costumes and the accessories of the aristocratic elegance, his love for the medieval cathedrals or by Venice and his artists, including Guardi (until May will continue open in the Thyssen in Thyssen in Thyssen in Thyssen (until May will continue to The sample with the pieces of the Gulbenkian collection).

‘Proust and the Arts’
Collective Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Madrid. Paseo del Prado, 8. Commissioner: Fernando Checa. Until June 8. Four stars.
The road starts and closes with two photos, of Proust Niño and Proust Corpse, And it ends, closing a symbolic circle that invites you to get on the memory carousel, with two impressive self -portraits of Rembrandt, young and old. In short, a delight that the fan can multiply with the reading of the passionate and instructive catalog.
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