“No one leaves”, the words of the great Roberto Vecchioni move the Italian public
He was a guest of Massimo Gramellini during the broadcast In other words. Roberto Vecchioni moved the Italian public with the memory of his son who passed away last April 2023. Arrigo passed away at just 36 years old.
He looked at the photos of his beloved children, he was moved and it was at that moment that the pain resurfaced in the studio. Four children, all wonderful to him, but one is no longer there. But instead of talking about the great pain, the tears and how his life was marked, Roberto Vecchioni preferred to talk about the beautiful memories That Arrigo he left him.
The moving words of the singer:
Look how beautiful they are, all four alive. Even if one is no longer there. Here we don't make television of tears and remorse, we leave it to others, I don't give a damn about those things. I say serious, true things. This wonderful boy is an amazing poet. But there was a problem, that the world didn't deserve someone as beautiful as him, it had to deserve it. It wasn't him who had to deserve the world, it was the world that had to deserve him. And one day he left. He left because the world wasn't his thing, but for me he is always here.
Vecchioni then addressed a thought to his wife, an extraordinary woman who dedicates every moment of her life to her children and the loss of one of them was for her devastating. She knows that for fathers the pain is enormous, but it is not the same as what a mother feels. She knows it, she sees it and has a high regard for him Daria.
Arrigo is my sweet winter with the snow that is on. But something always grows under the snow, right? The grass continues to grow, life is eternal, wonderful. I think about it every night. And I don't think it, I see it, I live it. Nobody leaves.
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