No matter how much all the prizes of the Children’s Lotteryuntil the Mint and Stamp Factory does not publish the document with the official list of all the winning numbers In the 2025 Niño Draw, nothing is 100% certain.
In fact, it is precisely for this reason that until this official list comes out, prizes cannot be collected of the Children’s Lottery. Before, there must be a process of validations and verifications. This avoids problems and errors.
You can download here the official list of winning numbers in the 2025 Children’s Draw
These are all the winning numbers from the Lotería del Niño
The Children’s Lottery in figures
The Children’s Lottery 2025 distributes 770 million euros among all his awards. In this edition there are 55 series with 100,000 notes each. Each bill, in turn, is made up of 10 tenths.
In total there are 20,856,000 winning tickets and 37,920 numbers of the 100,000 in each series receive some type of prize from those distributed in the extraordinary draw.
#Official #list #prizes #Lotería #del #Niño #Draw