The sale of housing is recovered in the heat of the descent of interest rates and the rise in operations is widespread in all parts of Spain. Thus it follows from the annual study on the maximum and minimum prices of housing that Tecnitasa GroupValuation, consulting and sustainability society, performs in the provincial capitals and main Spanish cities in multifamilar homes. To emphasize that the maximum amounts continue to rise at a rate above 4% per year, but nevertheless the most affordable also rise to the most expensive as the most expensive, 7.78%.
The prices of the report have a great diversity and range from those aimed at a very wealthy audience in Madrid (19,000 euros /m2), Palma de Mallorca (16,000 euros), Marbella (15,000 euros), Barcelona (10,120 euros) or San Sebastián in Basque Country (8,905 euros) to buyers with a much more limited purchasing power, towards very economical homes, such as those of Talavera de la Reina in Toledo for 340 euros/m2, Ponferrada in Lion for 480 euros, Elche In Alicante for 509 euros, Jerez de la Frontera In Cádiz for 525 euros, Alicante capital for 528 euros, Lion and Castellón de la Plana for 550 euros or finally Tarragona for 585 euros/m2.
«Since it is the maximum and minimum values of each city (although without contemplating exceptional data) and in areas that may vary, contributing averages is less representative than usual. However, there is a clear increase in sales prices (almost 6%) due mainly to disproportion between supply and demand, and that these are significantly more accused in the cheapest areas, ”explains Fernando García Marcos, technical director of Grupo Technitasa.
Double digit climbs
The maximum price in Spain continues to find in Madrid. As in the last edition of the report, it is again Recoletos street more expensive above Serrano, with real estate fully renovated with high quality standards and luxury finishes. In the 2025 report this area follows as the most top, but with an increase of 18.75% by 16,000 to 19,000 euros/m2 the most stately floors of the epicenter of the luxury and culture of the capital. Other locations with very prohibitive prices are in Palma de Mallorca in Nou bent and Portixol With prices of 16,000 euros per square meter, in Marbellain Roman bridgethat reach 15,000 Eueros or in the Paseo de Gracia de Barcelona that reach 10,120 euros/m2.
Other capitals that have increased their maximum prices, even above the Madrid capital, are Malaga with an increase of 28.5% in the area of River Tower – The thermal by climbing 2,000 euros a subway; Bilbaowith a rise greater than 19% in the area of Abandoibarra and Euskadi Squarewhose square meter has gone from 6,240 euros to 7,450 euros; Almería, in a similar percentage, from 2,100 euros to 2,500 euros/m2 in the area between the Almeria walk and the Rambla de Federico García Lorcaor specific areas such as Barcelona Square either Avenida de la Estación either Santa Cruz de Tenerifein the environment of the Avenida del Tres de Mayothrough 2,300 euros to 2,700 euros/m2 (17.4%).

In the minimum prices, the values of values are much more significant and affect to a greater extent with pockets with lower possibilities. Stands out Segoviain the area of The hillwith an increase of 60% as prices from 800 to 1,300 euros/m2; or in Guadalajarain The balconywith increases close to 37%, from 950 euros also to 1,300.
Other increases above or close to 30% in affordable homes are found in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in The paternal (+33.3%), in Ávila (+30.7%) or in Valencia around Reig Primado Avenue (+29.6%).
“The most expensive is increasing
The widest pricing for five autonomous communities
The biggest price difference between the most expensive and cheapest homes occurs, by logic, in those communities where maximum prices are more prohibitive. In the five autonomous communities where the gap is more pronounced, the price of the square meter exceeds 8,500 euros in the homes of well -off areas and in all of them the fork has expanded between 2024 and 2025.
The clearest examples are in the Community of Madrid, with a differential of 18,050 euros/m2 between San Cristóbal de los Angeleswith prices at 950 euros/m2, to those already mentioned in recoletes of 19,000 euros; Balearic Islands with more than 14,500 euros apart between the homes of Nou bent and Portixol and the most modest of They are Gotleu. It is not far behind, with a very similar gap, the one we found in Andalusia between the homes of Puente Romano de Marbella and the area of San Telmo or Federico Mayo in Jerez de la Frontera.
To end two other communities that also maintain great inequality between the most expensive and cheaper floors are Catalonia with a differential of 9,535 euros, ranging from 10,120 euros in the Paseo de Gracia of Barcelona at 585 euros of Torreforta in Tarragona or the the Basque Country with 7,415 euros apart between 1,490 euros in Retuerto neighborhoodBUn Pastor and Llano in Barakaldo (Biscay) at 8,905 euros of the Avenida Libertad either Miraconcha ride in Donosti (Guipúzcoa).
The slightest difference between the most expensive and cheapest prices is still in Estremadurawith only 1,760 euros between the Avenida de Elvas in Badajoz and Aldea Moret in Cáceres. The other communities where there are less price difference between the most exclusive and cheaper homes are Rioja With 2,170 euros, Melilla’s Autonomous City With 2,300 euros or Asturias with 2,451.
Where do maximum and minimum prices fall?
The Technitasa report on the maximum and minimum prices provides data of falls that can be used by future buyers. In the prices for less wide pockets, Santander stands out, with an amount of the square meter of 970 euros, with a price drop of almost 26%, placing the new area in Avenida de Herrera Oria and surroundings. Other much less significant falls are in Torrent (Valencia) with 13.3% cheaper, lowering from 750 to 650 euros /m2 in lto subway station and San Ernesto neighborhood. Also in Toledoin Santa Barbarawhere housing can be acquired for 700 euros/m2 or in the Galician capitals of Lugo (-6.67%) and Orense (-2.07%). Malagaparadoxically, it also falls into the minimum prices, one (-3.3%) in the area of Palma/Palmilla From 600 to 580 euros per meter.
Regarding the fall in prices for the wealthiest, just mentioning Granada with a minimum decrease of 1.39% – about 50 euros per square meter – in the area of Puerto Real and environment and, finally, cite Vitoria/Gasteizcapital in which there has been a significant reduction of the market in the city center, now represented only by specific offers, which have already been understood as non -relevant to an area, and a consequent displacement of the area of the report to new locations such as the South Avenue or the Paseo de la Música.
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