2025 has also begun with a ‘crisis’ related to eggs. In the United States, Aviar flu has triggered prices and forced Trump to ask European countries to export their country more.
In some European countries prices have increased. In Spain, the OCU warned last week that the price of eggs has increased 25.2% in the last two weeks in supermarkets, according to the data collected by the entity.
According to the OCU, this increase could be due to “a speculative movement due to the difficulties that the market in the US is going through.” However, our country It is not one of the main exporters From this product to the United States.
Be that as it may, the increase in the shopping basket has been noticed in recent years in Spain, which has also led many consumers to find a way to reduce expenses. Well avoiding intermediaries hateIrlectly producing your own products such as vegetables, vegetables or fruits in plots of individuals found in the field.
Another of the products that can be self -consumed are eggs with the presence of laying chickens. But not everything is worth in this regard and not anyone can possess these animals and consume their eggs without respecting the appropriate controls.
Keeping the chicken coops, however small, is also a challenge and the absence of control can cause health hazards. That is why there is a Royal Decree which establishes the basic rules of ordering of poultry farms that also regulates the obligations for chickens owners even if their eggs are intended for self -consumption.
Egg self -consumption operations must be registered
The owners of these animals must have them registered according to the law. Not doing so can In order sanctions and finesas is also established in the text.
Article six states in the first place that this type of exploitations for self -consumption “must identify a Reference veterinarianto which to be able to resort in case of appearance of concrete health problems ». Likewise, in article 16 it indicates that “they will be obliged to carry out a previous communication to be included in the registry General of livestock farms ».
The law defines these self -consumption farms such as those that “which has a maximum of 0.15 units of greater cattle of corral of maximum capacity and that, in no case, market the animals, neither their meat, nor the eggs, nor other productions, being considered in case of marketing them as reduced farms.”
The fine for not having chickens record
This text establishes different sanctions in accordance with various laws: Law 8/2003, of April 24, of Animal Health; Law 32/2007, of November 7, for the care of animals, in their exploitation, transport, experimentation and sacrifice, and in Royal Decree 1945/1983, of June 22, which regulates the infractions and sanctions in the field of defense of the consumer and the agri -food production.
According to these texts, infractions can range Between 600 and 3,000 euros. According to the Animal Health Law, a sanction for a mild infraction “a fine of 600 to 3,000 euros or warning” will be applied, in the case of the decree for the care of animals a slight sanction will have a maximum of a fine of 600 euros, the same amount of the last text.
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