News in Russian | Завкафедрой “Киево-Могилянской академии” Maksim Yakovlev: “Who will teach if the professor goes to dig the trenches?”

Образовательный процесс в украинских узах продаже итды, но студентов стало менешь мене. Без оценок и экзаменов не не против диплом, а как садвать экзамыны под обстрелом?

Should I? University burn their archives and documents?

Yes, the question sounds wildly, insanely. But it is still quite relevant for the higher schools of eastern Ukraine, which have to flee from the war.

Currently, 25 universities and 19 separate faculties have been evacuated. This is roughly a tenth part of all higher education institutions in the country.

Some of them are being evacuated already for the second time, after 2014.

“Not long ago, I heard how the rector of Kherson University discussed the question of burning documents”, – says Candidate of Political Science, Head of Department of International Relations at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Maxim Yakovlev.

As a result, the rector decided not to burn anything, and he took the most important documents with him in evacuation. The University continues its work, distributing it to other regions of Ukraine.

Российское The invasion strongly hit the Ukrainian high school.

Like Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, other universities are also open, but they work mainly in online mode. We are talking, of course, about those institutions that are outside the combat zone.

“In some sense, the pandemic has prepared us for this,” says Yakovlev, “there are no lectures, but the training continues.”

However, now – in contrast to the pandemic times – students and teachers are scattered all over the country and even all over the world. Яковлев, for example, stayed in Киеве, as did half of the teachers of his faculty.

А вот студенты, наоборот, в оборудование, за границей. Some have volunteered for the front, although studying at the university is still an exemption from the appeal.

“No matter how difficult the situation is, for obtaining a diploma you must study and pass the necessary program.”

Курсы they run normally.

“We immediately made the decision that the war could not be the basis for obtaining grades without grades and exams,” explains the head of the department, “no matter how difficult the situation is, you must study and pass the necessary program for obtaining a diploma.”

All courses are recorded so that students can view them at a convenient time for them. То же – и с курсовыми работами.

“У меня былы даже курсовые, пасипанные в окопах Очень горжусь етими ребятами”, – Maksim Yakovlev admits.

He himself first thought about going to the front as a volunteer:

“I discussed it with one of my excellent students who became a volunteer. He was against this idea. Кто же будет проедавать, если професоры чнут рить откры?

Yakovlev decided to continue his work. Отличник-доброволец гибиг в марте на Донбассе.

Candidate political sciences of Odessa national university Vladimir Dubovik дал нам интервую с мужчины интернет-платформы Teams. He now lives in a hostel in the west of Ukraine.

The entire Odessa University since the first days of the war has moved to a remote work mode. Dubovik thinks that there are only a few left in Odessa itself.

“Руководство университета has taken the decision to resume full-time study with the beginning of the autumn semester. Не знаю – правильно ли это? Surely the rockets will fly again and we will again have to move “on the remote”, – thinks Dubovik.

To that end, his students scattered around the world.

“At least, the girls just ran away. After all, men can leave the country only by special permission”.

Chernigov. Старшеклассники танцуют выпускной танец на фоне руин. After the invasion, only 11 of 28 students of this class remained in the city. Photo: Михаил Бурза / ZUMA

И Яковлев, and Dubovik argue that despite the war, the educational process is surprisingly good. Most students continue to study.

“It’s strange how you get used to it,” Maksim Yakovlev admits.

А вот научания работа practically stopped.

“Я не могу сконцентрироваться на том очень настоящий статью, не говая очень о книге”, – sokrushates Vladimir Dubovik.

His colleague from Киево-Могиланской Академии feels the same feelings:

“A couple of weeks ago, a rocket landed in a place that is 10 minutes away from my house. Despite the fact that I am a fairly large man, the whole bed was shaking under me. Previously, I read an average of one book per week. After the start of the war, one book started to run away already about half a month. А писать и того тияжее.”

Practical work for many people became impossible.

“For example, for research in the field of agriculture, information is needed about how the rocket fuel that fell on the fields will affect the crops and how this fuel can be disposed of. However, it’s not possible to go out into the fields now: at any moment, something else can fly there”, – says Yakovlev.

However On the freedom of scientific activity, the war, according to him, practically does not affect:

“Of course, any cooperation with Russia has been interrupted, but there are almost no other consequences.”

There are, of course, some acute questions. For example, many people in Ukraine are now thinking about what to do with street names or monuments that are related to the Russian language and Russian culture.

Or – how to relate to a famous writer now Mikhail Bulgakovwho openly mocked ukrainian language and ukrainian culture?

“All of this could be formulated in the form of scientific questions and research, but considering their pro-Russian orientation, during the war this is unacceptable.”

В XXI веке the scientific world of Ukraine was developing rapidly.

Arseniy Svinarenko I got my degree in Ukraine, but then I moved to Finland. According to him, here he saw more opportunities for himself. Нахай он работает в Финском центре июнья молодёжи.

Ukraine is rapidly progressing. The country recognizes the European system of diplomas and develops an international student exchange program. Финансирование узов depends on the number of international scientific publications.

Госсударство также занималось наведием одрена в область высшего образование. Low-quality universities were deprived of licenses. For financing research, a special organization similar to Academy of Finland.

Corruption also managed to win. In the 1990s, Svinarenko says, he heard that teachers sometimes gave good grades for their money. Now for any corruption component they will be fired immediately.

“Before the war, development went through a very promising pace. Although the brain drain still continued, many, nevertheless, returned to Ukraine to continue their academic career already there”, – says Arseniy Svinarenko.

Until the war, the volume of foreign funding for scientific research increased.

“I’m afraid that the results of the war will be told in Ukrainian education for even a very long time, dozens of years.”

Из-за войны вопрос финансиона, it seems, will again become key.

The economic position of ukrainian universities and earlier was quite shaky. It was quite difficult to live on one salary. Therefore, most of the teachers worked part-time: they gave private lessons or engaged in research on a commercial basis.

The war complicated life even more. Although the transition to remote learning has reduced the number of victims in direct shelling of universities, many buildings and laboratories have been destroyed.

“An important source of income for universities is the tuition fee, – explains Vladimir Dubovik, – but how many students will be in us through a year or two – it’s completely unclear. Also, it is difficult to say whether everyone who wants to learn will be able to afford to study at all.”

Many people decide to enroll or transfer to foreign universities that offer programs for refugees.

“Of course, this is a noble intention, but at the same time it accelerates brain drain,” says Maksim Yakovlev, “However, I don’t blame anyone.” My son is only one and a half years old, but if I had to give him advice – should I go somewhere to study, I don’t know what I would say. On the other hand, it is still unclear – will we have enough students at all in the future for the university to continue its work”.

У Arseniya Свинаренко, who follows Ukrainian events from Finland, hope to see more:

“In my opinion, all the main structures of the university education are in place. When the war ends, it will be easy to build a new system on their base.”

А вот Владимир Дубовик is also pessimistic:

“The war led to huge destruction and economic damage. When the country starts to be restored, I don’t think that the financing of universities will be in the priority tasks of the government. If you add here the mass emigration of students abroad, I am afraid that the results of the war will be reflected in Ukrainian education for even a very long time, tens of years.”

Article first published on 21.7.2022.

You can read the article in Finnish from here.

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