The franchise of Sonic The Hedgehog has become quite relevant in recent years, this is precisely because all types of products have been launched for sale, this starts with toys, clothing, accessories, series of Netflixmovies and of course, video games for consoles and PC. And although two important deliveries were launched in 2022 and 2023, it seems that the hedgehog owned by SEGA It is not going to stop at offering experiences to its audience, or at least that is what a new rumor on the internet says.
As mentioned by a known leaker on Twitter, @MbKKssTBhz5who at the time leaked the ads for Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Tacticathe blue mascot will have a new video game release this year, but it will not be a high-budget one, but rather it is aimed at the operating systems of Android and iOS. Being a proposal that will not be limited to Apple Arcadeand that perhaps it is something free to play.
This year, a new Sonic spin-off title will be released for mobile. The gameplay elements will be similar to Fall Guys.
本作のゲームプレイ要素は『Fall Guys』に似ている。
— みどり (@MbKKssTBhz5) January 17, 2024
What is most striking, according to the statements left by the user, is that the gameplay will be battle royale with mini games, that is, something very similar to the popular Fall Guysa title that during the pandemic became a sensation all over the world, especially for being free on PlayStation Plus. Although its destiny changed after Epic Games bought the franchise, this became free to play and now there are people with access to it without investing a single cent.
It is worth mentioning that for now all of this is rumors, so in the end a game of this character might not be released. Meanwhile, Sonic Dream Team is only available for Apple Arcade.
Via: My Nintendo News
Editor's note: I'm not really jumping on board this time, since the Sonic games on iOS and Android are quite boring, especially because they don't really have progression. So it doesn't matter if it comes out or not, the only thing I want from the character is the only decent movie in December.
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