The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayusohas confirmed Monday that it will increase from 25% to 50% the bonus SUCCESSION AND DONATION TAX Between brothers, uncles and nephews, which will mean savings of 140 million euros per year to Madrid.
This has been announced by the regional leader at a conference at Forbes House, where he reported that this Wednesday, in the Governing Council, the processing of the New fiscal sales In Madrid that already advanced at the end of last year. In addition, he has announced that they will bonate 100% of the fee of donations below 1,000 euros and will apply the 99% bonus in donations.
The goal is that all families, starting with vulnerable or middle class, “No are suffocated when they give inheritance to what is yours and without having to ruin as in so many places in Spain, that is, Punish savings and property“
“It is an unfair and anachronistic tax, almost all the countries of the European Union have already eliminated it a lot and it is also a commitment of our electoral program in 2023, by the way, backed widely by Madrid at the polls,” he said.
Ayuso has asked respect for the tax autonomy of the region, something that makes it “attractive and competitive” far from “the lies they move.” “It is not at the expense of the rest of Spain but quite the opposite,” he said.
In addition, he has defended that This is not “no fiscal dumping ‘that some say without blushing “but that the Community of Madrid uses” its autonomy and normative capacity, which is collected in the Constitution and in the statutes of autonomy. “
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