New rumors about the discovery of Andreea Rabciuc, not yet confirmed by the police: here's what emerged
New rumors about the case of Andreea Rabciuc, after the human remains found in the Castelplanio farmhouse. The DNA results have not yet been released, but it is now almost certain that it is the missing girl. The clothes found inside the ruined building were those of the 26-year-old.
A few hours ago, another piece of news broke. Inside the farmhouse, next to the remains, they would also have found a rope and gods tickets which would refer to the alleged crime.
However, the authorities they haven't confirmed yet the news.
In this regard, i Carabinieri who are in charge of the investigations, yes refused to make a statement to the journalist of 2pmthe program of Rai 2 hosted by Milo Infante.
Also the lawyer of Simone GrestiAndreea Rabciuc's boyfriend at the time and currently the only person under investigation for voluntary crime, declared that he had not received confirmation of the aforementioned alleged findings.
The two hypotheses of the investigators on the discovery of Andreea Rabciuc

The story of the disappearance of the then 26-year-old dates back to March 12, 2022. Andreea had spent an evening, consuming alcohol and drugs, with some friends and her boyfriend Simone Gresti in a caravan, about 800 meters away from the place where her body was found recently.
Everyone present said that that night the girl had argued with her boyfriend and then it was removed walking alone. Since then no one has heard from her again.
The last message sent by the 26-year-old at 4:30 in the morning, addressed to her father in Romania: “I got into trouble.” Investigators are trying to understand if she was the one who wrote it.

The investigations are following two leads: a possible crime or a illness due to alcohol and drug consumption.
The autopsy There was no evidence of any trauma to the bones. However, the results of the toxicological and entomological tests relating to the insects who attacked the body. The latter could establish whether the body always remained in that farmhouse or whether it was transported there at a later time.
It remains to be clarified complaint made by the owners of the farmhouse, regarding the broken window found a few days after the disappearance of the 26-year-old.
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