Professionals highlight the facilities to reconcile or salary among the main aspects
69 percent of doctors and 55 percent of private health nurses have valued their work experience in these centers with more than seven points, as can be seen from an IDIS foundation study on the experience of health professionals in the private health sector.
These data are greater than the national average of the rest of the sectors, as they stand out, and improve even more in those professionals who are dedicated exclusively to private health, showing doctors 72 percent satisfaction and nurses 69 percent.
«The indicators are clearly better when they work exclusively. In addition, the data show that the conciliation and autonomy of the work, not only the salary, are the advantages most valued by medical and nursing professionals, ”explained the general director of the IDIS Foundation, Marta Villanueva, during the presentation of the report.
Among the advantages of working in the private sector, health professionals have indicated conciliation as one of the main reasons (61 percent of doctors and 46 percent nurses), autonomy (37 percent of doctors and 23 percent of nurses), salary (26 percent of doctors) and recognition (19 percent of nurses).
More than 80 percent of the toilets have stressed that they have tools that facilitate patient care and care, as well as to perform internal efforts.
Both doctors (7.7 out of 10) and nurses (6.5) are satisfied with the orientation their centers towards the patient, a situation that impacts “positively” in their recommendation of the centers. While doctors value with 7.8 communication and coordination with nursing, nurses have scored it with 6.7.
Development opportunities
Among the reasons for changing center, 25 percent of doctors would do so for development opportunities and 21 percent for better economic conditions, while 34 percent of nurses would be changed to a salary improvement; Despite this, there is a high fidelity to the work centers.
To improve the experience of the health professional, the data has shown the need to promote training, support and shared knowledge, and doctors would like to have a greater dedication of time to the teams by those responsible.
The document also emphasizes that professionals who feel valued and supported have greater loyalty, which must be focused through better conditions, greater conciliation and more development opportunities, as well as better patient care.
The challenges
These improvements should serve to deal with the “challenges” facing the sector, and that is that 58 percent of hospitals find difficulties in covering medical specialties, a figure that amounts to 95 for nursing.
This situation joins that “more than 50 percent of health personnel” are over 50 years old and are close to retirement, so there is a “clear relay problem” of generational talent.
«This report provides us with a clear vision of the experience of the health professional in private health and allows us to identify areas of improvement. It is essential to continue betting on training, recognition and professional development to guarantee not only the satisfaction of professionals, but also the care quality of patients. Private health has the opportunity to consolidate as an attractive and sustainable work environment, with conditions that favor the satisfaction and loyalty of talent, ”Villanueva concluded.
The president of the IDIS Foundation, Juan Abarca, has indicated that the results “are improvable” and that they will repeat the report “within a couple of years”, monitoring not only of the salary conditions, but of their own daily experience.
«The patient’s experience has gained a key role in care quality, but we cannot forget that it is the professionals who make it possible with their work. With this study we analyze your challenges and needs to promote improvements that strengthen your satisfaction and loyalty, ”he said.
After that, he added that private health is making an “effort” to retain talent, improve working conditions and strengthen professional development, also focusing on offering better sanitary results.
“Old normality”
The president of the Collegiate Medical Organization (WHO), Tomás Cobo, has emphasized the need to “give voice and pay attention to doctors, as was done during the Covid-19 pandemic, and has regretted that after finishing this period, the” old normality. “
After that, he has claimed an improvement of the base salary, increase the annual days of continuing medical training and reduce interim contracts in medical centers.
Cobo has also highlighted the “key figure” of service leaders, considering that they must have greater autonomy and the ability to participate in clinical and management decisions.
For his part, the president of the General Council of Official Nursing Colleges, Florentino Pérez Raya, has asserted that the development of private health nurses must “run in parallel” to those who work in public health.
Pérez Raya has stressed that private health should be strengthened through complementation with the public sector, and always guaranteeing care quality, favoring professional development and with “decent” working conditions.
The day has concluded with a round table in which the Territorial Director of Nursing in the HM Hm Hospitals, Marilia Segarra, the head of internal medicine of the Quirónsalud Madrid Hospital, Daniel Carnevali, the head of corporate nursing of the Vithas Group, Sonia Aparicio, and the medical director of Sanitas Seguros, Iñaki Fernando, who have agreed to improve the importance of improving the fidelization and professional development to make the professional development and professional development to make the professional development and professional development to improve the professional development and the professional development. Faced with the demands of demand for professionals, aging of the templates and the care pressure.
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