The Government has given this Wednesday The first step to apply a ‘forgiveness’ from the autonomous debt to regional governments. After a Historical Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF), chaotic, marked by the PP Autonomic Governments plant, María Jesús Montero has started the process to condone up to 83,252 million regional liabilities. A debt removal that Popular communities have rejected block By understanding that it comes to them with a pact with Catalan independence and because it is not enough to resolve the issue of regional financing.
In the press conference after the meeting – which has barely lasted two hours – the First Vice President and Minister of Finance has hardly charged the advisors of the PP, to whom He has accused of “abandoning”, “irresponsibility” and making “children’s policy”. “Some counselors have preferred to get up rather than be portrayed and vote against a measure that they had asked,” Montero said.
The vice president has described what happened as “sperm” and “patech” and interprets that the plant is explained because the advisors of the PP do not dare to contradict the instructions of the national leadership of the party. “They do not dare to return to their territories and explain why they vote against,” has pointed out. “They will have many difficulties to explain to their citizens the show that we have lived today,” he added.
For Montero, it is “incomprehensible” that the regional governments of the PP criticize a condom of 83,252 million, of which 60,000 million would stop autonomies in the hands of the PP. “What trap does the Lord speak of [Alberto Núñez] Feijóo, what assignment? “Montero has questioned.” This day will pursue the PP for many years and this date will be marked on which its total lack of sense of state was revealed, “he said.
When half an hour had elapsed since the beginning of the meeting, the 12 PP counselors present at the meeting have left the meeting. A plant that they have staged in a joint photo and a statement in which they reject the condonation and ask to address the reform of the autonomous financing system. “We are not going to be accomplices of permanent assignments to independence”has expressed the Minister of Finance of the Community of Madrid, Rocío Albert, one of the spokesmen who have spoken on behalf of the PP. The meeting has continued with the socialist advisors of Castilla-La Mancha, Asturias and Catalonia.
First step of a long process
Finance sources argue that if the PP counselors had not submitted to the meeting, the quorum would not have formed enough to carry out the measure. In any case, The passage through the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council —The forum in which the ministry and autonomies discuss these matters – is a mere procedure. The last word will be made by parliamentary groups in the Congress of Deputies, where the condonation will arrive soon in the form of a bill. Montero relies on receiving the approval of the Cortes before the end of the yearso that the effective condom would hardly begin to occur in 2025, if it goes ahead.
The next step you plan to adopt hacienda is Gather face to face with all autonomous communities to negotiate the individual terms of the debt remove. The devil is in the details, and it is yet to define what maturities, what loans (and what interest rate) that are condemned. The issue is especially peliaguda with autonomies that do not owe money to the State through the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (Fla), as is the case of the Community of Madrid. If the foronation comes to survive parliamentary processing, communities must decide whether or not they adhere to it, something that is completely voluntary.
Montero estimates that the Treasury approach would allow autonomies About 7,000 million euros are saved in interest for the debt they will stop paying. A savings that would arrive at regional governments with droppers, as the marvels of loans occur. The Government is confident that the debt remains facilitates that the autonomies that currently depend on the State to finance themselves can gradually go out to the markets.
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