The objectives of the Government of Extremadura in the Monfragüe National Park are to protect its ecosystems and ensure the conservation and recovery of the habitats and species found there and make it compatible with the economic development of the municipalities in the area. To this end, 3.8 million euros are being invested from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU Next Generation EU.
Monfragüe was declared a Natural Park in 1979, and in 2007 it was elevated to the category of National Park, the highest level of protection in Spain. In addition, it has been a Biosphere Reserve since 2003 by UNESCO and is part of the Natura 2000 Network as a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) and Special Conservation Area (ZEC).
Monfragüe is known for being one of the best places in Europe for bird watching, especially birds of prey. The most representative species are the black vulture, the Iberian imperial eagle, the black stork, the Bonelli’s eagle, the golden eagle or the Egyptian vulture. The park is a refuge for the Mediterranean Forest and Shrubland, the best preserved in Europe, made up of holm oaks, cork oaks, gall oaks, wild olives, strawberry trees, durillos, rockrose, heather and mastic trees.
Its landscape is characterized by its steep rock formations, such as the famous Salto del Gitano (or Peña Falcón), an impressive vertical wall that attracts numerous native birds. Contemplating the banks of the Tajo and Tiétar rivers that cross the park, forming the Torrejón reservoirs, is quite a spectacle.
Monfragüe and sustainability
For the Government of Extremadura it is vital that the public use of the park is compatible with its conservation, while promoting research activity.
The Monfragüe National Park is a natural treasure and an outstanding example of the harmony between conservation and sustainable development, which has been the subject of numerous sustainable actions to conserve its rich biodiversity and guarantee responsible use of its natural resources. This management is carried out through the control of invasive species that threaten the native flora and fauna and also through the restoration of habitats.
Also in this sustainability, the conservation of emblematic species of the park that are in danger of extinction such as the Iberian imperial eagle, the black vulture, Bonelli’s eagle and the black stork plays a fundamental role. In some cases, projects are carried out to reintroduce native species that have disappeared from the area, such as the lynx, which favor the ecological balance of the park.
Another aspect to highlight is the restoration of habitats, for example, in the case of ungulates, which need to be controlled since their overpopulation endangers the biodiversity of the Park. The Board works so that this control can be carried out through non-commercial or sporting hunting activities on public and private lands in the Park.
Regarding the prevention of forest fires, it is, without a doubt, one of the keys in the protection of Biodiversity in Monfragüe.
Responsible tourism and ecotourism
The Government of Extremadura has approved a new use and management plan, pending endorsement by the Ministry, which attempts to recover the traditional activities that have been developed for hundreds of years in what is now the National Park without any detriment to its conservation or its biodiversity. Monfragüe has a rich historical legacy that includes archaeological remains from different periods (of special interest are the numerous samples of cave paintings). It is also a traditional crossing point for Transhumance, which adds ethnographic value to the area.
The National Park is a benchmark for ecotourism, attracting bird watchers, nature photographers and hikers from all over the world because it promotes sustainable tourism, with well-marked hiking routes, bird watching viewpoints, and interpretation centers that They promote environmental education.
Environmental education in Monfragüe is promoted through interpretation centers, where tourists can learn about the importance of conservation and good practices in the park.
In addition, collaboration with the local community is constant. The Government of Extremadura works with them to promote rural tourism, because the towns near the park have developed rural tourism infrastructure, which allows visitors to enjoy local culture, gastronomy and traditions, while respecting the natural environment. To get citizens involved, citizen participation and environmental volunteering projects are promoted, where residents and visitors can get involved in various reforestation activities, river cleaning and awareness campaigns.
The sustainable actions by the Government of Extremadura in the Monfragüe National Park are an example of how it is possible to balance nature conservation with economic development and the enjoyment of visitors. These measures not only preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the park, but also promote a management model that serves as a reference for other protected spaces.

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