WhatsApp It is so important in the lives of the majority that there are those who use it as the main tool in their work, therefore, Meta, with the help of its CEO Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, They announced new functions for this 2024.
Today, in DEBATE we will talk to you about what are the new features, how to use them, we will give examples and then we will list them so that you don't have any problems if you want to save time.
For now we tell you that they are related to writing text messages, you can look like a professional in your chats. In addition, at the end we will remind you of the pre-existing modalities that were included in WhatsApp in past updates.
Go for it!
What are the new WhatsApp features in 2024?
There are four of them and we will leave them ahead in the form of a list to give you a quick idea. Then, we will explain a little about their usefulness and how to use them when writing messages to your contacts.
– Bullet List
– Numbered lists
– Block quote
– Online code
Although these options were already enabled on a trial basis, not everyone has noticed. Do you?
Maybe you have noticed that write a middle dash, also called a short dash, and a space before a textbullet symbol is added when submitting.
– Review the most important news on Debate.com.mx every morning.
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This is especially useful if you must send a list. Whatever it may be, something from work, a supermarket or any other.
Numbered lists
The function is similar to the previous one and so is the way of use. In this case you must add a one or two digit number followed by a period, comma and a space prior to your message.
1.- Open the Debate.com.mx website and click on the menu in the upper left corner.
2.- Scroll down and see which section is of interest to you.
3.- Click on the one you prefer and navigate.
To list the order of a process, you can use numbers and create a list. To do this, you just have to write 1 or 2 digits followed by a period and a space.
block quote
The next option recently enabled in WhatsApp by Meta is related to large or small amounts of text, but of great relevance. It serves to highlight fragments that you or your interlocutors should see no matter what.
You must write the symbol (>) before a space and the text that you prefer.
> Don't forget to click on the 'Technology' section at the top of this article. Thank you!
Online code
Add ` to the beginning and end of the chosen text, without spaces. It is mainly used by web developers and programmers.
`Thank you for reading this article. You are very important for DEBATE and for me as a web editor.
Other formats you should know
– Italics: To write a text in italics, it is necessary to put an underscore before and after the text. For example: _text_
– Bold: If you want to highlight text in bold, you must use an asterisk before and after the text. For example: *text*
– Strikethrough: To write strikethrough text, use a tilde before and after the text. For example: ~text~
#Meta #announces #WhatsApp #FEATURES #LIST #examples