Measles has resurfaced in various regions of the world due to the decrease in vaccination rates. In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) registered 10.3 million cases globally, which represents an interannual increase of 20%. Until now, most infections were concentrated in Africa, Asia Sudoriental, Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Pacific. However, the disease has begun to gain ground in America, with outbreaks that have lit alarms in the United States, Canada and Argentina.
The centers for the control and prevention of diseases (CDC) of the United States have confirmed more than 100 cases so far this year. These have been reported in Alaska, California, Georgia, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island and Texasthe latter being the state with the highest incidence.
The agency has determined that 92% of infections are related to three outbreaks, defined as groups of three or more linked cases. It details that a quarter of the patients required hospitalization. In comparison, throughout 2024 285 infections were notified, 69% of these linked to 16 outbreaks.
In Canada, the health authorities of Ontario reported 57 cases until the middle of this month, while in Quebec 24 contagios have been identified so far this year. For its part, the Ministry of Health of the City of Buenos Aires has registered four cases in the Argentine capital. The problem is not exclusive to the American continent. In Spain, during the first eight weeks of the year, at least 107 cases have been diagnosed and about eight active outbreaks are analyzed.
In most of these episodes, those affected are children under five years. Mandy Cohen, former director of the CDC, warns that “the number of measles infections is increasing throughout the planet and puts people’s health and life at risk. The vaccine is the best protection against this virus, and we must continue to invest to make it more accessible. ”
Although the disease can be prevented with two doses of the vaccine, WHO estimates that in 2023, around the 83% of children worldwide had received the first dose of the antigen (while 74% already have the second recommended dose). The organization indicates that it is necessary to reach a global coverage of at least 95%, with both doses, to prevent outbreaks and protect the population against one of the most contagious viruses that exist.
Susana López Carretón, a researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), explains that the fall in immunization against measles originated with the Covid-19 Pandemia. According to the expert, pediatric health care was unattended, and the situation has aggravated due to migration, political disputes and armed conflicts.
The reduction in global coverage caused a considerable increase in shoots in 2023, when serious episodes were detected in 57 countries, which represents a 60%increase, compared to the 36 countries affected the previous year. Despite this, Immunization avoided more than 60 million deaths between 2000 and 2023according to WHO.
“The problem of having reduced vaccination coverage is that there is a population much more susceptible to infection. Given how contagious this virus is, constant surveillance must be maintained, ”emphasizes the UNAM specialist.
Measles: how it spreads and what are its symptoms
Measles is a viral disease considered one of the most contagious in the world. It is transmitted by contact with infected and air -in -air secretions. According to WHO, “the virus present in the air or on contaminated surfaces retains its infectious capacity for up to two hours. A infected person can infect nine out of ten directly vaccinated direct contacts. ”
Although Any non -immunized person can contract infectionIt is more frequent in children. Initially, it affects the airways. The first symptoms include high fever, cough, abundant nasal secretion and a cutaneous eruption that extends throughout the body.
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