More than half a million families -570,000- are going to choose “for the first time”, between Valencian or Spanish, the Base tongue in which their children will be educated from the 2025-2026 course in the Valencian Community. The consultation, which will be carried out Between February 25 and March 4will serve to determine the main language in which students learn to read and write in educational centers.
The chosen one will also be the one with the most weight in the following academic stages, “always within a balance” between co -official languages: the difference between the base language and the subjects taught in the other will be 20%. In this process, parents or guardians are going to vote with children enrolled in public centers or concerted in the second cycle of children, primary and the first three courses of the ESO. From the results, how many groups of each language will be planned by course and center.
“The will,” said the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón on Monday, “is that all students know and be competent in both languages», As well as guarantee the” right to choose “and recover the” spirit of consensus “of the Llei d’Us i terenyament del Valencià. “Faced with the linguistic confrontation and the imposition we recover the coexistence between Valencian and Spanish,” he said.
This was explained in a press conference at the Palau in which the informative campaign on the process has been presented, under the motto «Two languages, a Community». The consultation, as included in the Law of Educational Libertad approved last June by PP and its then Vox Government members, is regulated in an order of the Department of Education published a few days ago in the Official Gazette of The Generalitat. Three associations have already resorted to the courts -the precautionary suspension– Considering that it places the Valencian in a situation of inferiority with respect to Spanish.
Mazón has asserted that “the progress and conquest of freedom in the educational field” is “One of the main milestones of this legislature”referring to other measures such as the free choice of center, the gratuity of the teaching from 0 to 3 years, the possibility of carrying out exams of non -linguistic subjects in the two languages or the automatic recognition of the Valencian level, with 60,000 certificates issued in four months.
In his opinion, the previous tripartite -pspv, Compromís and Unides could be led by Ximo Puig forgot, in his immersion model“sociolinguistic diversity”, which recognizes the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community. Therefore, the vote implies “an important milestone,” “a giant step in the way of giving power to families to be responsible for the education of their children.”
The head of the Autonomous Executive has made a PARTICIPATION CALL Because, the greater, “the better the offer in each base language will be adjusted to the wishes of the families”, which will receive all the documentation and a file to be able to vote both telematically and in the schools. A website has also been created with all the information.
“Case by case” will be studied
For his part, the Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, has committed to analyze “Case case” The situation of students who choose a minority option at the end of the process. He has talked about the possibility of offering them a place in another nearby center or even creating new units of a language if the number of affected is significant in the same school or institute. “We know that this will have an important economic cost,” he admitted.

Image of the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the Department of Education, José Antonio Rovira, this Tuesday at Palau
Rober Solsona
Rovira has justified that the Generalitat has not campaigned for any language because puts both “at the same level”: «I have been accused of abandoning functions for not imposing my language in the children. We let it be the families who choose greater or lesser burden according to their environment ».
Questioned about whether both languages are on equal terms before this consultation, Rovira has indicated that “It depends on the areas” and “a study should be done” for it. A family that chooses Spanish for their children, has nuanced, will study in the first years of schooling a minimum of 25% in Valencian, which will rise to 30-35% in the following.
All students of Spanish -speaking areas will study the subject of Valencian, although they can request the exemption so that they are not evaluated, which is considered “an advance” to “guarantee that progressive incorporation,” added the general director of Educational and Linguistic Policy Planning, Ignacio Martínez.
In parallel, and although he has “Accepted some suggestions” of the Valencian Academy of the Flexu your road map ».
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