Anyone who has visited a public school in recent days will have seen posters with the motto Brand yes to Valencià. I do not know if you have children of school age, but it hurts to remind you that soon From Department of Education, a consultation will be organized for parents to choose the base language of their childrenby virtue of the Law of Educational Freedom of PP and Vox.
As usual, everything that has to do with education and with the language lifts blisters. Arguments have for all tastes. The discouraging of this situation, once again, It is that from some groups or parties politics and frentismo are still being done with the language. That is, in the end it seems that marking the Castilian box is going against the Valencia or vice versa.
It is very significant that a law that seeks parents to choose the base language of their children, as those who take their children to private schools do, are understood as an attack against “harmony” and “coexistence.” Or that it is reasoned that this rule was not necessary because the election was already done through the school councils of the centers.
I understand those who feel that Nostra filling It is at risk. The solution, on the other hand, does not go through the imposition. It goes against common sense. Hearts do not conquer with the right as a weaponwhich Francisco Tomás and Valiente would say.
A Master of Valencian teachers once told me to learn to speak a language can be done on the street and at homebut the language is learned as it touches at school. That is why the choice of the base language is capital. Parents must decide whether the base language must go in line or not with the mother tongue depending on what they consider best for their children. It is your competition.
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