María Guardiola has gone from looking like the most moderate PP leader to hug Vox to become president of Extremadura; renew your alliance with the extreme right to survive; and become the most outstanding student of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the most radical wing of her party. All in less than two years.
Anachronistic, distant, the principles that he claimed to defend in June 2023 are That phrase, pronounced when she broke the negotiations with Vox to become president of the Board, made her famous beyond Extremadura. Some media even qualified it as a “emerging star” of the PP because other colleagues in other autonomous communities had already agreed, or were trying, with the extreme right. But Guardiola emphasized his declaration of intentions further: “My only heritage is my word,” he said.
Three weeks later, the Extremadura leader betrayed her word and not only reached an agreement with Vox for the investiture, but allowed the Ultra formation to enter her government, against what she promised before, during and after the regional elections.
The idyll between PP and Vox in Extremadura lasted the same as in the rest of the right and extreme right regional governments: one year. After the decision of the training of Santiago Abascal to break all coalition executives for allowing the reception of migrant minors, Guardiola, tied in seats with the PSOE, although the Socialists won the elections in votes, remained in a minority.
Guardiola again hug “
In that situation, confronted with Vox and the PSOE, the head of the PP was unable to approve the budgets of Extremadura by 2025, which withdrew before they were discussed in the assembly. Its political survival FIO to a decree law of fiscal sales that affect the tax of donations, successions, legal acts and IRPF. Guardiola presented the document alone, without negotiating with the opposition, despite the fact that the socialists, the extreme right and joined by Extremadura opened to negotiate it.
Before so many hands, Guardiola has opted, once again, to understand Vox, which as a currency has demanded the repeal of the Historical Memory Law of Extremadura and approve a so -called ‘Concordia’. This point was included in the Government Pact between PP and summer VOX of 2023, but the PP was delaying compliance because it did not consider it “urgent” and for the rejection of the memorialist associations and the relatives of those retaliated by Franco. Even a month ago, Guardiola’s party presented an amendment to the totality of the Concordia Law proposal presented by Vox.
Now he has changed his speech again. The turn has taken a month, knowing that, if the decree of fiscal sales did not go ahead, it would have meant the third defeat of the Executive and would have brought the legislature to hit a thread. In fact, this new understanding is not punctual, but the intention of the right and the extreme right is to make a new and new account to reach more agreements that will allow Guardiola to continue in the presidency until 2027.
“Copy” Ayuso’s policies in Madrid
But those constant flirting with Vox are not the only winks of María Guardiola with the most radical wing on the right. This week has applauded the policies of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and has come to say that it is a mirror where Extremadura wants to reflect: “We are going to copy everything that does the Community of Madrid well, which is a lot.”
Ayuso was in Extremadura to visit Mérida, Trujillo and the Almaraz nuclear power plant, the main purpose, the latter, of the summit that both celebrated for two days. Although the pretext was to sign a “institutional collaboration protocol” with very general measures that go from training to health, dependence, economy, employment, emergency management and even Latin America.
For now, Extremadura works in a single market law similar to that of Madrid, the only community that has launched it, and is willing to study that 1st and 2 of ESO return to schools, despite the rejection of the educational community. But the left did not miss the opportunity to shave Guardiola his intention to emulate Ayuso for a fiscal policy that benefits the highest income, measures that favor concerted education to the detriment of the public or a health system that leaves in private hands the management of public hospitals.
In the opinion of the Unidos spokeswoman for Extremadura, Irene de Miguel, the community “has to prepare for the worst” if the intention of the PP is “to copy a comatoso public health model, with the least financing per inhabitant of the country and the largest privatization rate” or “an educational model in which there are only six public and 15 private universities” or “a fiscal model that makes us the payments of Madrid benefits them. ”
De Miguel also asked Guardiola: how can you walk with Mrs. Ayuso, who has behind him the deaths of 7,291 people in public residences during the COVID for his death protocols? […] I put my hair stand. ”
For the PSOE, Extremadura and Madrid have little or nothing to do. The president of the Socialist Parliamentary Group asked in the Plenary of the extreme president “what will copy” of Madrid “about the field; about housing, with the problem they have; On how they tell the surgical waiting list, the failure of public-private collaboration in hospitals or how the emergencies are closed in primary care ”.
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