The son’s chilling words: “I was desperate, I didn’t have the money for the funeral and so I put it in the freezer.”
The news from about 24 hours ago about the elderly woman who was kept in prison for years really shocked everyone. a freezer from the son. Something that is decidedly shocking and chilling. Disturbing to think that this man kept his mother’s house in the cold for many years, continuing to collect the old woman’s pension. Abhorrent and disconcerting is the succession of details that are emerging as investigators reconstruct the scenario of what happened in that house.
“I can’t forgive myself for what I did. I made a mistake and I will have to pay, but I am not a murderer,” Sandro Mallus, 54, reportedly told investigators. He is the son of the woman found in his freezer. His identity remains to be verified. version about what happened in the house on Via Piemonte in Sarroch, Cagliari, which he shared with his mother, Rosanna Pilloni, 78 years old.

The woman’s bodyas anticipated, was found inside a freezer by the carabinieri. Mallus claims that his mother died of natural causes in January two years ago, during the Covid period. “My mother died naturally, I would never have hurt her. When I found her lifeless body, I was desperate, I didn’t have the money for the funeral and so I put it in the freezer”.
However, it seems that Mallus’ intent was to continue cashing in on the 500 euros per month pension, as well as access to his mother’s savings. Rosanna’s other son, Andrea Mallus, who lives in Ireland, expressed his outrage. “The son you loved put you in a freezer. If only I had known, I would have killed him with my own hands.” Regarding the intent of the man who chose to keep his mother in a freezer, the son in Ireland expressed his anger and bitterness:
For that amount of money, which you earn in a week’s work, it would have been better to work. I can’t stand that he has come to such a horrible act. I had cut off contact with him a long time ago and I had heard that he had told our father, who has been living elsewhere for seven years after the separation but still owns the house, that as far as he was concerned, I could forget about going back there.

On Monday, Dr. Roberto Demontis will perform theautopsy on the body of Rosanna Pilloni. The examination will serve to clarify the precise causes and time of death. The Carabinieri are conducting further investigations to reconstruct the story. Friends and relatives were questioned to examine the last months of the woman’s life.
#Man #Mothers #Body #Freezer #Years #Shocking #Version #Couldnt.