If one thing does artificial voice recognition intelligence systems is to spread the idea that some languages are more important than others, that some accents are more important than others. Ai Misunderstands Sub People’s Words More than Others By Roberto Rey Agudo.
Simply using the crushed stone in the fields, the United States agriculture could become a huge carbon sink. Enhanced Weathering Coul transform Us Agriculture
We assume that the laws of physics are equal at any point in the universe. The important word is “we assume.” A new way of checking it. Does The Universe Really Behave The Same Way Everywhere?
Tricalcic aluminate is one of the most common cement components, but it could have a very interesting use as thermal pile. The people of the DIPC in Unveiling the Thermal Secrets of Tricalcium aluminate
Mapping Ignorance It is a collaborative blog written by researchers and active technicians focused on the latest research results in any scientific field. It is an initiative of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and its Campus of International Excellence. If you want to be a collaborator, ask me for more information here.

Chemical. Work in Euskampus Fundazioa with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU, for which I edit the Scientific culture notebook and Mapping Ignorance. I write things for the Donostia International Physics Center and the Basque Center for Apply Mathematics.
#Making #ignorance #Naukas