The procession Magna of Seville It will be celebrated tomorrow, December 8, 2024. For this, Esperanza de Triana and El Cahorro make a transfer to the Cathedral of Seville. Know in real time where the processions are going and all the breaking news.
Hope crosses the Triana Bridge
The canopy of Hope crosses the Triana Bridge in a crowd of people milling next to the passage.
The Puppy advances along Calle Castilla
The Puppy walks down Castilla Street
This is how the Cristo de la Expiración del Cachorro ran along the section of Castilla Street that runs between Ronda de Triana and Chapina.
The Christmas decorations on Castilla Street mix with the contrast of Paso del Cachorro
The procession of the Puppy advances at a good pace along Castilla Street
This is how the Virgin of Hope has traveled the last meters of Pureza Street
The Virgin of Hope detained on the bridge near the little chapel of Carmen
La Esperanza crosses the Triana bridge to continue the journey through the Catholic Monarchs, Pastor and Landero, Adriano, Puerta del Arenal, García de Vinuesa and Alemanes until the entrance to the Cathedral.
Triana devotes herself to her Esperanza
Pureza Street has received Esperanza de Triana amidst joy and hubbub. One of the most striking moments was during the interpretation of the march Queen, Mother and Captainby José Luis Gómez Jaldón.
La Esperanza de Triana on the bridge and the Puppy in Castilla
La Esperanza de Triana arriving at the bridge
El Cachorro enters Castilla
Last minute of the transfers of Esperanza de Triana and El Cachorro
The steps of Esperanza de Triana and the Christ of the Expiration of the Puppy are already on the street. The sorrowful one on Pureza Street is right now in the Plaza del Altozano, while the crucified Ruiz Gijón is advancing along Castilla Street.
The Cub’s departure
This was the moment in which the Christ of the Expiration of the Puppy crossed the lintel of the basilica to head towards the Cathedral of Seville and participate tomorrow in the grand closing procession of the II Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety.
“El Cachorro” (Saeta Sevillana) sounds to the Christ of Expiration
The Puppy comes out
The Christ of the Expiration is already on the street to begin the transfer to the Cathedral on the occasion of the II Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety. At the same time, the Virgin of Hope of Triana arrives at Altozano
The Hope of Triana in Altozano
This is what Plaza del Altozano looks like right now, awaiting the arrival of the Esperanza de Triana.
José Luis Sanz, mayor of Seville calls for the passage of the Cristo del Cachorro inside the Basilica
The step advances through the interior of the Basilica, about to be placed on the lintel of the door.
The Virgin of Hope runs through the last meters of Pureza Street.
The Puppy is going to leave from the basilica
The Christ of the Expiration of the Puppy, at the door of the basilica
The Cub’s guide cross comes out
The Cachorro Pass is going to be built inside the Basilica of Triana
Just a few minutes until the doors of the Basilica of Cristo de la Expiración open
At 4:00 p.m. the Cachorro brotherhood will begin to tour the streets of Seville on its way to the Cathedral for the II Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety
La Esperanza de Triana and El Cachorro will visit Baratillo
Great day today in Triana that will focus on Our Lady of Hope of Triana and the Stmo. Christ of the Expiration of the Brotherhood of the Puppy for his processional outings to the Holy Church Cathedral of Seville on the occasion of the II International Congress of Brotherhoods.
The Brotherhood of Baratillo will receive both in its chapel, showing, once again, its connection with the Brotherhoods of the Triana suburb.
Full of people on the Triana bridge to see Esperanza
There is no room for a pin in the passage of Esperanza de Triana over the bridge
The Hope of Triana advances through Purity
La Esperanza de Triana walks among the hustle and bustle
A lift for La Macarena on Pureza Street
La Esperanza de Triana has just dedicated a tribute to the Macarena Brotherhood. The foreman, Juanma Cantero, has highlighted that both painful women share the same dedication: Hope. José Antonio Fernández Cabrero, older brother of La Macarena, has touched the hammer.
The Hope of Triana comes out!
The canopy of Hope of Triana has just left the Mariners chapel and the Cigarreras band begins to perform Hope of Triana Coronada. The cheers of the devotees who gather on Pureza Street follow one another.
The foreman orders the left forward to make a 360 degree turn before starting the road towards Altozano to the sounds of Triana of Hopethe march composed by Claudio Gómez Calado and that includes the Salve Trianera.
Parking for the Magna
This Sunday, the Seville City Council opens up 20,000 parking spaces. The Cartuja car parks will be connected to the Plaza de Armas with shuttles.
These shuttles and all Tussam lines will be free (except the Airport line), from 6:00 a.m. on the 8th.
The Hope of Triana is going to leave from the Mariners’ Chapel
The last section leaves from the Mariners chapel. Hope of Triana is going to come out
No Christmas lighting for two days
La Esperanza de Triana, about to leave
The banner of Hope of Triana, which is the last section, leaves the Mariners chapel. The departure of the pallium is imminent.
The Cross of Hope of Triana is arriving at Altozano
The older brother of the Macarena in front of the Esperanza de Triana
It is the first time in history that the wand of chapels joins the presidency of the wand of dragons. José Antonio Fernández Cabrero, older brother of La Macarena, will accompany Esperanza de Triana in the presidency of the step.
The doors of the Mariners chapel open
Ten minutes early, the doors of the Mariners chapel open and the procession begins to pass along Pureza Street. The San Juan Evangelista band has performed a medley of Triana marches such as Hope of Triana Coronada either Always Hope.
Macarena’s older brother will preside over the departure of Esperanza de Triana
Little public in the surroundings of the Mariners chapel
Marian flowers for Hope of Triana
The floral decoration of the passage of Our Lady of Hope, designed for the closing procession of the Second International Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety, is presented with delicacy and symbolism, impregnated with spirituality and the universal devotion that the Virgin awakens in the hearts of the faithful.
In the center of this composition shines the lilyMarian flower par excellence, immemorial symbol of purity and grace.
Situation in the Triana neighborhood
Quite a crowd around the Mariners chapel and Triana bridge and tranquility in El Cachorro so far
Purity Street looks spectacular
You wait at the Triana Bridge
There are still three hours until the procession across the famous Isabel II bridge, and there are already some people who sit on the edge of the sidewalk to get a privileged spot
Schedules and itineraries of the Magna procession of Seville 2024
Check where each brotherhood will be on December 8:
Macarena’s older brother will be with Esperanza de Triana
José Antonio Fernández Cabrero, older brother of the Macarena Brotherhoodwill preside today over the passing of the canopy of Our Lady of Hope during its transfer to the Cathedral of Seville. It is an example of the deep ties of union and fraternity that unite our brotherhoods.
Time for transfers
The State Meteorological Agency points out that there will be a marked drop in temperatures during the two nights in which there will be footsteps in the streets of Seville for the closing procession of the II International Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety.
The weather forecast indicates that minimum temperatures of 6 degrees when the images return to their temples after having passed through the official route.
For its part, the maximum temperatures will be on Saturday, December 7, 21 degrees while on the day of the Immaculate Conception of 16 degrees.
Tour of the transfer of Hope from Triana to the Cathedral
This Saturday, at 3:00 p.m., the Esperanza de Triana begins its procession to the Seville Cathedral to participate in the II International Congress of Brotherhoods and Popular Piety.
Tour of the transfer from El Cachorro to the Cathedral
These are the important data that you should not miss:
Musically accompanies the Municipal Music Band of La Puebla del Río.
This is what the Real Maestranza bullring looks like
The bullring of the Real Maestranza de Caballería is decorated for the closing procession
Transfer music
The St. John the Evangelist cornet and drum band will open the procession of the Hope of Triana starting at 3:00 p.m. when the brotherhood places its guiding cross on the street, while the Las Cigarreras music band It will accompany the passing of the pallium, just as it does every morning on Good Friday.
For his part, the Holy Christ of Expiration It will leave from 4:00 p.m. to the sounds of Municipality of La Puebla del Río in what will be his second day after the crucified man from Triana after his presence at the Santo Entierro Grande in 2023.
Aspect of Purity Street for the Esperanza exit
The Plaza del Altozano is filled with the public
People sitting at this time of the afternoon in Altozano to witness the passage of Esperanza de Triana and El Cachorro
Transfer schedules
The Hope of Triana It will be the first of the images that will hit the streets. Its departure from the Sailors’ Chapel is scheduled at 3:00 p.m. and his arrival at the Cathedral at 8:00 p.m..
He Holy Christ of Expirationfor its part, will leave its basilica at 4:00 p.m., arriving at the metropolitan temple at 9:00 p.m..
You will be able to follow the entire journey of both images through this live link.
Follow the transfers of the Puppy and Esperanza de Triana live
Good afternoon,
We start this live in which we will tell and retransmit the last hour of the transfers of the Christ of the Expiration of the Cub and the Virgin of Hope of Triana to the Cathedral for the procession Magna of Seville which will take place this Sunday, December 8, starting at 4:00 p.m. La Esperanza de Triana will leave the Mariners’ Chapel, accompanied by the ‘Our Lady of Victory’ Music Band (Las Cigarreras), at 3:00 p.m. and will arrive at the Cathedral at 8:00 p.m.. For his part, El Cachorro will make his exit accompanied by the La Puebla del Río Music Band at 4:00 p.m. to reach the Plaza Virgen de los Reyes at 9:00 p.m..
After this day, when both images are in the Cathedral, the transfers of the Macarena (at 00.00 hours) and Great Power (at 6:00 a.m.) during the early hours of Sunday, another of the great moments that we will also tell you about from ABC in Seville.
Join us in these plus 40 hours of processions that will leave unique moments in the history of the city.
Let’s start!
#Magna #Sevilla #live #transfers #Esperanza #Triana #Puppy #Cathedral