It reminds you that you can give discounts for other methods, such as an agreement or direct aid to communities, and not “kidnap” citizens
The Regional Government is still waiting that from the Ministry of Transportation will respond to its request for another formula to maintain extraordinary aid to public transport, which declined by not getting the National Executive sufficient support to carry out the Omnibus law, which collected this measure together With many others. At the moment, Madrid will maintain the 60 percent discounts on the rates – added to the subsidy that already applied to these prices – and is doing it alone, and not 50 percent with the central government, as happened until Last Wednesday, when the law on which the maintenance of these aid was supported. But this situation cannot be extended forever, as President Díaz Ayuso already warned, due to her economic cost. Therefore, they ask the central government to “rectify.”
It has been done by the Minister of Transport, Housing and Infrastructure, Jorge Rodrigo, who has requested that other formulas be applied as an agreement with the Regional Transport Consortium to send the amount of these grants to Madrid, or direct aid to the communities Autonomous to pay this discount, which the central government was committed to at the end of December and that it was going to maintain until the end of June.
“The Madrid,” Rodrigo said, “do not have to endure the incompetence of the central government and not have a parliamentary majority.” He recalled that tomorrow there are Council of Ministers and there could present new individual decrees for issues such as transport aids, “and when you have to validate in Congress, the PP will vote that yes.” But “what cannot be done is kidnap in Madrid” with this issue.
Therefore, they require the central government to rectify in their position “and that is why we are assuming the entire reduction”, which would mean an expense of more than 500 million euros a year, to add to the 1,600 that they already put each exercise for the Public transport operation in the region. Rate income in an year does not exceed 800 million euros.
#Madrid #maintains #aid #solo #transport #continues #demand #Government #Spain #rectify