The post-covid business cycle has not left the certainty, perhaps because it was conceived by Huge tax stimulus programs and monetary to overcome the largest global recession from the Crash of 1929. The interruption of economies by social confinements and the health crisis left disruptions in value chains, maritime and logistics collapses and subsequently, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, energy prices escalations. We talked about an unknown inflationist spiral in four decades and abnormally high interest rates and unparalleled since the first years of this millennium, which were launched to stop the virulence of unbroken prices.
In 2025 the trajectory of the economic cycle followed its course, largely defined by capital markets that promoted investment and consumerist confidence in the last two exercises in the heat of technological values and the digital revolution spurred by artificial intelligence and the Chips industry. But, how could it be otherwise in this global context, not without shocks. The level of uncertainty that has emerged this year is even higher that the one generated in the last biennium, characterized by a high geopolitical voltage and economic disturbances, with signals of commercial protectionism and threats of fragmentation of globalization.
The return of the Trump administration is one of the equations to be resolved. To that adds A flat growing Europe, With an identity crisis on the Franco-German axis, an anemic consumption and investment and changes in economic paradigms in view of the turns that are coming in the economic policies that the White House wants to undertake: from increases of tariffs that can lead to A commercial war, to fiscal discounts of draft or deregulations in the banking sector or the cryptocurrency business. All this, under strong deterioration of historical deficits and levels of indebtedness.
In this context, The US and Europe are preparing to live a 2025 with unpublished factors. We face economic decoupling risks, asymmetries between its markets and monetary divergences due to the different rhythms of dynamism, creation of employment and inflation. All this, without disappearing the geopolitical tensions that led companies to modify their corporate strategies and to look at the insurance as the shield on which to protect themselves in times of extreme uncertainty like the current ones. In this sense, the global surveys to executives reveal that the confidence in the ability to protect the multiple insurance formulas has rooted again in recent years, during which they have had to live dangerously.
Therefore, in times of uncertainty like those that we have to live, the deployment of all the potential of insurance in societies with complex and uncertain economic environments is crucial. So is the establishment of a financial and savings culture that encourages their commitment to cover their policyholders in the face of unexpected events, economic brokenness, diseases or, especially, to improve their retirement income.
And is that The insurance value is undeniable and its social relevance It is even greater than that it generates in the business field, because its risk prevention role (the origin of mutualism) reports to its beneficiaries guarantees of a more comfortable future, but also more accurate.
#Lets #face #economic #risks #support #insurance