A total party, at twelve in the morning. The cigar group “Espi’s Band” had taken over the town hall balcony to transform Calle Larga in La Puebla del Río into a kind of ‘small Pamplona’. With the choirs of the young men, who sang ‘El rey’ by Vicente Fernández or the now classic ‘Hey, chipirón’, the musical group kicked off this second day of the bulls. The patron saint San Sebastián presided over the route of these festivities in his honor from his altar, which have once again brought together a massive gathering of people. The Murteira Grave bulls have galloped without any incident along the route of this bull run and in just two minutes they have already They were in the corrals of the portable bullring that they have installed at the entrance to the riverside town. As seen during their rapid journey, these are six beautiful examples of Portuguese livestock that this afternoon, at 4 p.m., Joao Mexia, Manuel Luque ‘El Exquisito’, David Gutiérrez, Juanmi Vidal, Javier Ragel and Miguel Vazquez. This afternoon the winner of this cycle of bullfights will be decided, who will receive a beautiful trophy molded by the artist Martín Lagares and the opportunity to participate in the Maestranza promotion bullfights. As already happened this Saturday, the celebration will be broadcast by the Canal Sur Televisión cameras.
#Puebla #del #Río #rhythm #Sanfermines #king