The name of this animated short is Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game The Chronicles and through this it celebrates the 25th anniversary of the original card game. While the franchise began in December 1996 with the manga by Kazuki Takahashi, the game is another story.
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG started in February 1999 and ended up becoming a huge success. The new study has the motto 'Add (+) anime to Konami'.
We recommend: Yu-Gi-Oh! It already has a set with which it finally makes the anime cards a reality.
The company will invest in computer-generated technology and knowledge that it will apply in both video game development and animation.
In this way, it could be thought that this study will have a focus on the company's franchises, such as Castlevania, Against or even Metal Gear Solid.
But it will not be like that, since the studio will not only work with Konami series but also with others. So it could be considered a typical animation house like those that currently exist in Japan.
It seems that both traditional 2D and 3D animation can be expected from this studio. In the latter case, in the future and for the revelation about the investment made in computer technology. In this sense, all that remains is to wait a little.
The animated short in this note debuted at an event called Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century, which took place in the Tokyo Dome.
It was certainly a very special way to celebrate 25 years of the card game, which is still very popular.

It is a franchise as consolidated as others that currently exist, such as Pokémon TCG and Magic: The Gathering, which are its direct competition.
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