“For the socialists today is a day of absolute joy, but for Azcón it is a sad day. And with the joy that is there and with which he is here, sooner rather than later we are going to get the sorrows of the Aragon PP“. Pilar Alegr, thus took the reins of a Aragon PSOE that until now directed Javier Lambán, one of the most critical barons with Pedro Sánchez. The spokesman and new general secretary of the party has given the “Welcome” to Sánchez who “has always been his home” And he has assured that now “the change” begins “in Aragon with the” goal “of winning in the 2027 elections.”I am hungry to win and I want to win the next 2027 electionsthat the PSOE leads the Government of Aragon again, “he said.
With the outstanding absence of Lambán, who considered that he would not be “pleasant” his assistance, and with the presence of Pedro Sánchez, who sent a “hug” to the Aragonese former president in his speech, Alegría has marked the electoral course of the PSOE of Aragon with his eyes on 2027. “Today the change begins. The Aragon government is already in discount time“He said before some militants who have supported their leadership by 93%.
He has also recognized the government’s work and, specifically, he loved the president Thank you having chosen a “town woman”daughter of a “farmer” and a “housewife” to take the reins of the Ministry of Education, Professional Training and Sports and also of the PSOE of Aragon. “But today I do not want to be the government spokeswoman, but of many people,” he said, to ensure that “it is worth it” that the PSOE governs to increase the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI), the revaluation of the minimum vital income (IMV) or put solutions to the housing problem.
Has affirmed that, in the case of the Aragonese government, The popular know that “the click time ago, of the stopwatch, has already begun.” “The Azcón government is already in discount time because, in 2027, Azcón to the opposition,” he said. Alegría has rejected that a coalition of “right and ultra -right” governs in Aragon because “that coalition carries the flag on the bracelet and the homeland in the carrier.” “They do business of what belongs to everyone, of public services, health, education, housing policy …”, has listed in this regard.
At this point, he has loaded against the presence of Alberto Núñez Feijóo this Monday in Zaragoza “to talk about health.” He has criticized the Azcón Health Model that, as he has said, has negatively impacts Barbastro or Teruel’s waiting lists and defends privatization with the new private hospital project in Quirónsalud in Zaragoza.
“Faced with any intention to cut public services, everyone’s policies will always have a socialist in front of privatizations and cuts,” said joy, which stated that Azcón lives “of the income” by Javier Lambán and forget the “management” and the community. “It seems that we are shouting that we take him to the opposition”he has extolled.
The new leader of the Aragonese PSOE has assured that the socialists have all the “elements” so that the “force of change” carries a new progressive and socialist government to this community. “Let’s go for all, to win, because I want to win, I want this game to win. But win to govern, to be able to transform the life of the Aragonese“He said. Therefore, he has asked his new executive to, at the time that remains ahead to the 2027 elections, make” close and humility policy, to be there street, neighborhood to neighborhood and next to the people who need to see the PSOE. ”
“I ask you strength, desire, illusion, ambition, because I don’t know you, but I’m hungry to win […] We know how to do it, I want Aragon to have the government that deserves. Let’s make that change possible. Strength, desire, unity, illusion. Let’s go for the electoral victory in 2027, “joy has settled.
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