With only one leg, John McFall is determined to travel to space and become the first parastronaut of history. He will do it from the European Space Agency (ESA) that after an intense viability study decided that there are no impediments for the British to participate in a space mission. Although, in his opinion, this term of “parastronaut” runs the risk of creating an unnecessary division. “I am not a para-irujano, I am a surgeon. I am not a para-father, I am a father,” he explained to the newspaper The Guardian.
However, there is still no date for launch, the European Space Agency is already studying what aspects need to be modified and adapted for an astronaut with physical limitations. This will allow studying how People with disabilities adapt to microgravity environments. “I can provide inspiration that science is for everyone and that, potentially, space is for everyone,” said McFall.
An accident that changed his life
With 19 years, John McFall (Frimley, United Kingdom; 1981) had a motorcycle accident in Thailand and suffered the amputation of the right leg. Far from sinking, he took refuge in sport and initiated a successful career in athletics, which culminated with a bronze medal in the 100 meters smooth in the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.
His sports career gave way to another professional in medicine. Obtained the title of Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics Before in November 2022, in another 360 degree turn in his life, he was selected by the European Space Agency as a member of the Astronaut Reserve.
His selection occurred after participating in the ‘Fly’ program (fly), a pioneering project to integrate people with disabilities in the space sector with the aim of promoting a systemic change. The last call for the selection of aspiring astronauts from ESA was in 2008.
Make history with that
“This is very important for us. Diversity comes in many different ways. And the World Health Organization estimates that about 15% of the population lives with some type of disability, and perhaps 2% are really affected by She. Of course, being an astronaut is something very exclusive.
“We are being pioneers here. It is something that we are very excited to do. We need to start a process by which we are going to work with the individual, understand how to adapt the space vehicle, perhaps something aboard the space station, to ensure that they can Live, work and perform a significant mission aboard the station, “he added.
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