A team of Italian researchers has developed an innovative method to understand how well ecosystems are able to resist stress. This new statistical approach, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society Ballows you to precisely analyze the resilience of different environments, come on schools of cod in the North Sea at coral reefs and to ice melting.
An innovation that starts from Italy
The method, called Cuspra, was developed thanks to international research led by Camilla Sguotti, of the Biology department of the University of Padua. There research saw the collaboration of Joint Research Center of European Unionof the University of Patras in Greece and the International LivestockResearch Institute in Kenya.
According to Sguotti, regime changes are increasingly frequent and affect numerous natural systems. “Desertification, transition of complex marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and melting ice are just a few examples,” he explains. The report global on points critics of ecosystems, published as part of COP 28, highlights that 25 biosphere systems have already been affected from these dynamics.
How the Cuspra method works
The method Cuspra is based on the extension of a mathematical-statistical model that quantifies the resilience of an ecosystem calculating it as the distance to an irreversible change. Unlike previous methods, which are often difficult to apply to series short storms and variables of real ecosystems, Cuspra offers a more precise analysis applicable to different contexts.
This innovation represents a significant step forward in comprehension and in the protection of ecosystems facing climate changes.
What do you think of this new one method? Do you think I can really do the difference in the fight against climate change? Share your opinion in the comments!
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