Palworld doesn't have time to set a record that has already broken the next one, the international newspapers don't talk about anything else and it's absolutely normal for it to be like this: the Pocket Pair title hit the mark and who knows, maybe it really is the jolt the gaming market needed.
Let's start with the numbers: at the time of writing (but anything could happen, as seen in recent days) Palworld has exceeded 5 million copies sold and has established itself as the third game with the most concurrent users on Steam ever, while it is not It is still unclear what the extent of the phenomenon is Xbox Game Pass.
While the development team proudly updated the list of unlocked achievements, however, rumors spread on social media controversy: on the one hand those relating to the obvious similarities between Palworld and Pokémon, on the other the quite unprecedented outbursts of those who accuse the game of being disgustingly vulgar.
To confirm how controversial the Pocket Pair title is, some statements from the CEO of the studio, as well as the creator of Palworld, have even resurfaced, putting originality on the back burner and saying that the best thing is to focus on trends, therefore following market trends so as not to make mistakes.
Whoever sells wins?
Regardless of controversies, controversies and even industry criticism, there is no doubt that the users have the final say; and when they decide to reward a certain product with their own money by purchasing it, the latter is legitimized.
If Palworld were nothing more than a soulless plagiarism, even the most engaging of fashions would not have saved it from oblivion, and a certain The Day Before can confirm this: The Pocket Pair title boasts surprising depth, and although it still needs refinement and optimization at the moment, the basic idea has proven to be solid.
More than anything, the mere existence of this product triggers a debate that can certainly have positive implications. Is it really enough to follow what's popular and copy left and right to sell five million copies? And Nintendo, touched firsthand by this controversial “homage”, he will stop resting on his laurels what about its flagship franchise? Let's talk about.
This is an editorial written by a member of the editorial team and is not necessarily representative of the editorial line of
#Palworld #shock #gaming #market #needed