Beyond the production of eggs and meat, more and more people choose to have chickens as pets and for egg self -consumption, Betting a poultry farming that takes care of animal welfare and for pure ornamental breedswhose variety of colors, shapes and sizes is amazing. Also for native breeds Like the black Castilian or the pita paints, many in danger of extinction, to also contribute to protecting that cultural heritage.
Chickens, such as ducks, geese and other birds traditionally considered production animals (sad concept), more and more companions areespecially on the part of those hopefully to have the space and the circumstances of maintaining them.
This way of maintaining chickens and other eggs producing eggs has long proliferated, especially from the pandemic and the search for many for increasing their contact with nature. It is something that Ramón Barbado Cacereño tells, a aviculter entrepreneur committed to the animal welfare that disseminates from social networks and the Casarejo estate podcast. In this company, exemplary in its approach and search to revitalize that Spain that is emptied, breeds ornamental and native races and account that is experiencing a growth linked to the increase in interest in chickens. Now that today has put them on the covers it is very possible that this interest grows even more.
It is trusted that all those who enter the care of birds Don’t do it silly and crazybut after training and having the knowledge, responsibility and facilities that ensure that those chickens, ducks or geese, capable of offering both company and eggs, are in the best possible conditions. In the eagerness to have eggs and company It is not receiving to give in to the whim or forget that we talk about living and sentence beingsunique individuals all of them, with their character and needs that we must cover conscientiously.
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