The general secretary and deputy of Podemos in Congress, Ione Belarra, has defended the position of her formation in “no to war” and has assured be “deeply concerned” about decisions that the Government of Pedro Sánchez is taking in this issue. Thus, he has addressed him directly and the rest of the European leaders: “Do you like war? That your children go.”
“From our point of view they are catastrophic decisions, practically suicidal. Pedro Sánchez has decided to get tangled up in an armed career that far from contributing to a world in peace, what will contribute is to a management of international conflicts Based on war, “he said in Zaragoza where he has attended the event ‘La Quinta Podemos’ this Saturday with the formation militants.
“I don’t want my children to go to war”has assured the general secretary of Podemos, who stressed that the militants and supporters of their party must organize “the resistance to this war from the squares and from the streets” because “what we play is the future of our children.”
Belarra has insisted that Spain is the country of ‘no to war’ and “is part of the DNA of the people of our country” and that is why he has asked Pedro Sánchez that “I immediately get off that arms race And listen. “” If you like the war that your children go, “he stressed.
“People have to know that weapons do not contribute to deterrence. Weapons contribute to conflicts and violence feed violence and that is contrary to the spirit of no to war,” he added. For all this he has defended the need for Spain Adopt a neutral role in international conflicts. “We need to leave NATO immediately, because it is a military organization to the exclusive service of the political and economic interests of the United States of America,” he said.
In this sense, he has assured that every euro that is destined to buy weapons and increase the expense in defense It does not go to public health, public education or to the dependency care system. “It is a social suicide,” he said.
“No one has said higher and lighter that we can ‘not war’,” he insisted while assuring that they want to put back to the left standing. “I suspect that the government will try to usurp that debate to Spanish citizenship. The Government of Pedro Sánchez It will have us radically in frontboth in the institutions and in the streets, “said the purple leader.
The PSOE, a “authentic US lacquero”
On the support of Pedro Sánchez to the arms race, Belarra has indicated that in his opinion is derived from a historical position of the Socialist Party, which has been for decades for decades a “authentic lacacho of the United States of America.”
As he said, the great parties of the State have acted for a long time as “authentic lame US boots. And now they continue on that same path with the added danger that now the USA and NATO LHe directs a dangerous fascist as Donald Trump. “
Belarra has thus considered that the increase in military spending up to 2% of GDP is “an enormous danger to our country” while regretting that it is intended to continue in the arms race. Thus, he has defended that the country must export diplomacy, negotiation and neutrality And in case of conflict “hopefully he will vote in Congress to have that debate and not usurp it to citizens.”
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