Ineco has sent an internal message to its employees in which it ensures that JRG, the former transportation of the former transport minister José Luis Ábalos, came to send a daily part “detailing the tasks developed”, while delivering to the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor’s Office the documentation that accredits him with the aim of clarifying the testimony provided by the young woman on February 27 in the Supreme Court (TS).
The public company, under the Ministry of Transportation, has communicated with its workforce through a “message sent with high importance” this Thursday in the internal channel ‘Ineco Hoy-Informa’, entitled ‘In defense of Ineco’s reputation and its professionals’to which Europa Press has had access.
In this message, the public company reacts to what is testified by JRG, which assured the ‘Koldo’ case in the TS, Leopoldo Puente, who was hired in Ineco-resort that through the mediation of Ábalos-but that he never came to do any work, although I do charge, a thousand euros per month. His mission was the administrative assistant of Koldo García’s brother.
“In relation to the information published in recent days, derived from the statements of several witnesses in the Supreme Court, about JRG’s employment relationship, we want to share with all of you and you the facts and the action that we are going to undertake as a company,” he says.
Ineco explains that «the incorporation of an administrative assistant, six years ago, is part of a high -speed ADIF commission to provide technical support and administrative management service in the client’s offices, Within the framework of a temporary contract, Framed in the category of assistant 3 administrative branch, from 03/01/2019 to 02/28/2021 ».
The company argues that “the treatment that was given from Ineco to this working person followed the methodology, in force at the time of hiring, established for employees who work in the client’s office, not only through the ordinary procedure for processing parts and time control-which made from its own user account-but also, through the emails that, within the regular performance of any professional of the company and organizational, among which the employee comes to detail the days of the week that has more workload or the weekly distribution of their work activity ».
According to Ineco, «This monitoring intensifies during the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of the teleworking and, to the daily report that he sent detailing the tasks developed and the time spent in them, we must add the control of their direct managers that asked when it corresponded (and obtained response and correction by the employee) about the imputation of certain hours ».
“All these works, within the corresponding commission, were certified by Ineco and reviewed, approved and paid by the client where the employee served,” he says.
Correos, schedule records and vacation request
However, the company announces that, «given this situation, and in defense of the reputation of Ineco and its professionals, the good work of those responsible and monitored the work carried out by the aforementioned former employee, and with the firm commitment to transparency and justice, Ineco will proceed to contact the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, putting themselves to their entire willingness to facilitate all the internal documentation related to their work. the purpose of clarifying the testimony of this person ».
In a subsequent statement, also on Thursday, Ineco underlines that “the statements made by this person, on February 27, in relation to their labor relationship with the company, do not coincide with the existing internal documentation and the own acts that she left registered.”
Consequently, it reports that “it has made available to the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor today all the relevant documentation, which accredits, in a reliably, the follow -up that the company exercised on its work activity.”
It is, in particular, the employment contract, the “legal relationship between Ineco and Adif high speed that brought the cause of hiring”, the “time control records and work parts that collect the hours worked and assigned to the project”, the “emails in which she detailed their weekly workload, the hours worked up «Monthly certifications of the work carried out by Ineco, reviewed, approved and subscribed by the Adif High Speed client».
In a letter, aimed at the prosecutor of the case and Chief of Anti -Corruption, Alejandro Luzón, Ineco points out that these time control records and the work parties collect 3,684.23 hours worked and “assigned to projects.”
“Without prejudice to the foregoing, any other documentation that from that prosecutor’s Office is required, we are attentive to its indications to proceed with its remission or any other aspect that it deems appropriate,” adds inecoly in the letter, to which Europa Press has also had access.
Both in his internal message to the workforce and in his statement, Ineco concludes asserting that, for the company, “its professionals are the main value it possesses.” In this line he remembers that in the last three years he has promoted “a deep labor transformation based on the stabilization of employment, the empowerment of the professional career and the improvement of transparency standards throughout the human resources policy.” “This priority will continue to be the central axis of Ineco whose talent, rigor and solvency are signs of identity of the company,” he says.
#Ineco #delivers #documentation #Prosecutors #Office #proves #working #hours #Jessica #denied #worked