The February payroll Minimum vital income (IMV) February 2025 reached a total of 688,007 householdswhere they lived 2,097,290 peoplewhich means an increase in 23.4% more of active benefits with respect to the same period of the previous year, according to the data of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) collected by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.
It should be noted that IMV is a national economic benefit aimed at guaranteeing a minimum level of income to those people who are in a situation of economic vulnerability. The main objective pursued by this policy is aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion of people who live alone or are integrated into a unit of coexistence and lack basic economic resources, being a subjective right that is part of the protective action of social security, according to the government.
The average amount of February of this benefit was of 511.2 euros per month per householdascending the payroll to 391.1 million euros, of which two thirds of the holders and more than half of the entry beneficiaries were women.
Thus, the February data highlighted the marked female profile both holders and beneficiaries, reaching 67.5% (464,194) and 53.4% (1,120,580), respectively, of women receiving it. In line with this trend, in the 96% of single -parent households Covered by the IMV, a woman was the head of the home in January 2025, a dimension that keeps close to the aspects related to childhood. Under this perspective, of the 474,075 households with minors, which corresponds to two thirds (68.9%) of the homes awarded to admission, 119,112 are single -parent.
If the 2024 INE living survey is observed, “women have worse rates in all poverty indicators, and very specifically in severe poverty, whose reduction is a fundamental objective for the IMV,” said the Minister of Social Security, social security, Elma Saizwhen presenting the results. «We have the best data of the last decade, but the gap is still there And the IMV is a great tool to address it, “he stressed.
Among the main purposes of the minimum vital income is to provide protection to certain groups considered vulnerable, such as childhood. In order to combat child poverty, the IMV endowed with protection 867,256 minors In February, which corresponds to that 41.4% of the beneficiaries are children and adolescents. Likewise, one of the tools available to the Government, and that must be requested with the IMV form, to fight against the risk of child poverty is the Childhood help complement (Capi). This aid of variable amount (from 57.5 euros per month for each child between 6 and 18 years to 115 euros per house a month in the case of children from zero to three years) has reached 475,439 coexistence unitswith an average amount of the complement in January of 67.15 euros for each minor and 121.96 euros per household with minors.
On the other hand, as a measure of Special protection the damage generated by the DANAfor those affected and receiving people from the provision of the IMV, they have been applied ex officio an extraordinary complement of 15%, with an additional 30% in the complement of childhood aid to those family units with minors. Together, it has benefited 16,437 families from the municipalities affected by the consequences of the cold drop of last October.
As for the total active benefits, in February they increased 23.4% compared to the same month of 2024, so there were 130,602 more active benefits this month. Likewise, the number of beneficiaries who live in the homes receiving the benefit registered an increase of 25.6%, 427,920 beneficiaries rather than in February 2024.
In accumulated termsthe general computation of people who enjoy the protection of this policy since its implementation in June 2020 amounts to 2,894,029, Of those that more than 1.2 million are children and adolescents. Similarly, it has reached 972,963 homes and, since its entry into force, Social Security has allocated 14,132.8 million euros to the payment of the payrolls of this benefit.
In addition, since November 2024, all IMV beneficiaries have available to the short phone 020 where information about this subsidy is provided, a channel that has been recently reinforced with a 40% increase in their template.
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