23-Year-Old Boy Commits Suicide by Jumping Off a Building: Stalker to Blame
Another life cut short because of the wickedness that is very often committed by mankind. A 23-year-old boy who was studying at university decided to end his life by throwing himself from a building. Before dying he spoke of a hypothetical stalker who had been tormenting his existence for some time.
What happened?
He Throws Himself Off Building to Escape His Stalker: The Boy Was Only 23 Years Old
The story we are about to tell is a very sad one, as it sees the death of a young boy of only 23 years old. He would have decided to throw himself into the void by climbing on top of an old building of Padua.

The hypothesis is that of incitement to suicideas details emerge from the student’s accounts that suggest this. It seems in fact that someone was persecuting this university student and that the boy suffered from an illness that had now completely overwhelmed.
The doorman of the building where he took his own life, in fact, said that he had heard him utter nonsense sentences shortly before his suicide. The boy had muttered about how his thesis were in the backpack, almost as if he wanted to leave a mark of himself in this world.
“I’m tired of my stalker”: the words before the extreme gesture
This poor boy would have left some traces relating to the persecution that had been going on for some time and on which the Public Prosecutor’s Office will investigate in the next few days. According to what the police discovered, someone would have falsified with his name some information that has been circulating on social networks for some time.

The young man would also have left some very precious pages to the important in his backpack, a will of about 5 pages where he declares that he can no longer tolerate his stalker. The same sentences were used on his profile Instagramwhere however the deceased young man had recognized the importance of never giving in to violence.
Some witnesses also reported how, in old stories on social media, the 23-year-old also provided the name of the hypothetical culprit. With the opening of the file, the latter will be traced and will most likely be accused of incitement to suicide.
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