Spain has suddenly found a diamond mine. Our selection of athletics has become this winter a world power of the 60 meters fences. A trio of Aces that has surpassed the absence of Orlando Ortega.
The three new musketeers of … The fences, Quique, Asier and Abel, were shown yesterday at a great level in Gallur. Llopis flew twice and recorded two records in Spain showing that this winter is the most reliable athlete. Asier has recovered his tone, the joy he seemed to have lost in recent months. And Abel is drawn as the great hope of the future. A wonderful promise but with a pending decision.
To be or not to be. Valid or sprinter. 100 meters or 110. Any athletics fan knows that Abel Jordán will have to make a decision. In the world elite it is not feasible to combine speed and long -term fences. The training are different and the technical demands of each test require specialization.
Abel, with Cuban blood, Madrid parenting and Californian formation, is one of those talents that arise in a strange, unexpected way. He is fast, flexible, high. His output technique is magnificent, something improper for his height. It is explosive and very agile on the fence. In Spain, except Carlos Sala, we have not known this sprinter-vallist duplicity ever.
The future of the brand new champion of Spain of speed is spectacular … but at some point the final decision must face.
Willie Gault was a great American valid who ran 4×100 relays with her country. That can be a path for Abel.
Those who know him well claim that Abel Jordán loves the fences. Worldwide is perhaps the best option. And the great paradox is that, in the old continent, the best option looks like the opposite. Jordan travels to Europeans with the best chrono … but in 60 meters smooth.
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#Ignacio #Romo #difficult #decision