A line in the water
Sánchez dumps before the European commitment because a part of his government lives anchored in a latest substrate
If we did not meet Sánchez, his feet drag seemed reasonable regarding the European Rearme program. NATO itself recognizes in its strategic bases that Atlantic security has different risks in the north, east and south … Needs, and in any case even Meloni shares that there are too many hurries, a lot of improvisation and little debate. But the real reason for Spanish reluctance has to do with the particular circumstances of a scouting government and dependent on irresponsible partners who when they do not submit it to blackmail are dedicated to sabotage their plans. That is the real reason, together with the president’s obstinacy to put aside the only party with which he could define state priorities and draw institutional agreements. And if not enough, to all this we must add the frivolity with which the PSOE has been sowing primary antimilitarism between its bases.
The fourth part of the Cabinet – a vice president and five ministers – not only professes a badly disguised sympathy by Putin, the result of an unredeemed antioccal rest, but has rescued the proposal to leave NATO as in the old days of the marches against the American bases and the philosophical communism. And as the continental allies have twisted the gesture, our ineffable Pedro has limited himself to dispatching the issue as an banal “internal matter”, things of political adolescents to which he grazes without major problems as submissive lambs. But they are the cause of their efforts to sweetify the concepts of military spending, defense or weapons with circumlocutions such as “technological jump”, “strengthening of peace” and other pathetic euphemisms that remember the infamous “deceleration” of Zapatero before a camel recession. And they are so afraid that he does not dare to submit national significance decisions to the criteria of Parliament.
In that same context of avoiding commitments at a time when the EU is preparing for enormous defensive effort, the chief of the Executive has announced his third visit to the Chinese leader. A trip after which ZP’s hand, a lobbyist from Beijing that uses his intense influence on the circle of confidence of Sanchismo to guide Spain’s foreign policy at his service. That is already external issues, which do not deserve explanations before the representatives of a marginalized sovereignty in the discussion of their legitimate interests. Among government collusion with shoely business in Asia and Latin America, the submission of Vox to Trump and the Putinian polizones of Catalan separatism and the extreme left, it is worth asking who is here involved in European construction. The Popular Party could have the answer if it were capable – which is not – to enforce it in Brussels with enough force.
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