If you want your child to be happy, make him responsible for his things.

If there is something that exhausts families in their daily lives at home, it is having to tell their children, over and over again, to fulfill their obligations. Let them take responsibility for their tasks without mom or dad, like a broken record, having to repeat it to them. An irresponsibility that generates many conflicts and bad moods in coexistence and that causes great exhaustion when it comes to educating.

School homework, cleaning up the bathroom after showering, keeping a minimum of order in their room, doing homework or setting the table correctly before starting to eat are some of the responsibilities that children or young people find it very difficult to assume.

Responsibility is one of the most important values ​​that families must educate. It is a long and expensive process that requires a lot of patience and trust. It means not doing for children what they are perfectly capable of doing for themselves, although on many occasions, this means that things are done at a much slower pace than we expect and with a worse quality. A long-term task that will help children and young people develop social and personal skills and establish good relationships with their environment. That will teach them to commit to what they want and work hard until they achieve it.

Being responsible means committing, being persistent, and punctually fulfilling all the obligations you have without depending on others to remind you or demand it from you. It is the ability to assume the consequences of one's own actions and decisions, seeking one's own and common good. For a child to be responsible, he needs adults who trust him, who help him gain self-confidence through the recognition of his own abilities, who explain to him that error is an essential part of the learning process and who give him gifts. the time it takes to learn.

Responsibility is acquired little by little according to the evolutionary development of each child through imitation and approval of others. There are several factors that will influence its acquisition: the educational model in which the child is raised, the personality of each individual or the level of demand of the adults who accompany them.

A responsible child will have the necessary tools to be able to build a good identity, he will be self-confident, he will have good self-esteem, he will be able to decide what he should do and when and to reflect before acting and making decisions. He will be a person who enjoys everything he does and recognizes his mistakes without feeling ashamed.

On the other hand, when a child does not have responsibilities, he will show many difficulties in knowing what he should or should not do, he will be very dependent on adults and will not accept their setbacks. He will be a fearful and distrustful person who will have a hard time establishing healthy social relationships and will always blame others for his problems.

For this reason, from a very young age, families should give their children responsibilities at home so that they acquire the value of effort and perseverance, so that they feel that they are an important part of the family and to help them develop planning and work strategies. .

Keys to teaching a child to be responsible:

  1. Encourage participation at home, assigning the child small responsibilities appropriate to his age and giving him the time he needs to carry them out. Parents should make sure that she understands what she should do without demanding perfection or expecting her to do what we would do.
  2. Let the child make his or her own decisions and be responsible for the consequences. Let him solve his problems autonomously, avoiding overprotective attitudes and without reproaching him for any mistakes he may make. A good agreement on limits and rules will help him understand well what is expected of him. Yelling or punishment will not make the child more responsible.
  3. Make the child or young person understand that if they do not fulfill their responsibilities such as making the bed, putting the kitchen utensils in the dishwasher or picking up their toys when play time is over, it will mean that another member of the family will have to do it for them. he. Explaining clearly that at home you should collaborate by forming a great team will help you understand the importance of doing things when you have to and not when you feel like it.

The best thing that can happen to a child is to feel responsible and protagonist of their own life. Being able to achieve what he wants by working every day until he reaches his goals. Thus, the minor will be able to take risks, look for alternatives to difficulties and recognize his or her mistakes. As Winston Churchill said: “The price of greatness is responsibility.”

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