Because in Mexico millions of people are part of groups considered vulnerable or unprotected, the federal government, through the Secretary of Welfarehas different social programs.
And one of the social programs of the Ministry of Welfare are the Welfare scholarships. In the particular case of the Benito Juárez Wellbeing Scholarship for Basic Education, beneficiaries receive 920 pesos every two months during the 10 months that the school year lasts of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP).
Thus, according to the official website of the Wellbeing Programs, the following are the requirements and criteria to be a beneficiary of the Benito Juárez Basic Education Welfare Scholarship:
*Have at least one minor enrolled in school in a public basic education school classified as priority attention.
*If the girls, boys or adolescents do not study in a school classified as priority, the family can be part of the program only if they have low income. This estimate is made based on the application of a questionnaire.
*Girls, boys or adolescents must not simultaneously receive another scholarship for the same purpose granted by any agency or entity of the Federal Public Administration.
*Proof of registration of the minor.
*Birth certificate of the minor (immigration document, for those who were born abroad).
*Identification data of the father, mother or guardian (official identification, CURP, proof of address).
It should be taken into account that the main purpose of the Benito Juárez Basic Education Welfare Scholarship is to encourage minors who live in conditions of social and/or economic inequality to remain and complete their studies, in order to move towards reducing of the discontinuous and incomplete school trajectories that, precisely, begin at this educational level and hinder well-being and social inclusion.
For its part, in accordance with the guidelines of the Benito Juárez Basic Education Welfare Scholarship, this benefit that gives 920 pesos per week has as a priority of attention to students in the following hierarchical order:
*Rural or urban indigenous locality.
*Locality with less than 50 inhabitants without degree of marginalization.
*Locality with very high marginalization, rural or urban.
*Locality of high marginalization, rural or urban.
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