The nuts have had a ‘label’ for quite some time due to their great caloric contributionunderstanding as something negative and that produces overweight. However, the concept at the nutritional level is changing to the point of reconsider the importance they really have to The correct functioning of our body.
In fact, its consumption is more than recommended. And not only as one more intake, but like a consumption that has to be done daily. For many nutritionists, it is best to consume approximately 20-25 grams of nuts per day, which translates into about 4 or 5 units.
In depth
A large percentage of nuts have a mineral content. Among those mineralsstands out Potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. As if this were not enough, they contain abundant trace elements, such as selenium or zinc.
In turn, they also contribute many calories, because they contain Fats in abundancedespite the fact that in a way, they also contain Proteins. Those fats No They are entirely harmful, since The unsaturated predominatequite present in those of plant origin, including beneficial fatty acids.
More details
Of all of them, There is one that stands out well above the rest because it is quite good to reduce cholesterol: it is the almonds. Apparently, the levels and functionability of HDL or good cholesterol increase, according to an investigation of the University of Pennsylvania.
And not only that: They help reduce the risk of heart disease by a large percentage. This is because of its fiber content, but also by antioxidants such as vitamin E, which play a determining role in health, according to the cardiologist Kevin Rabiiin an interview in the ‘Parade’ media.
But this is not all. According to the specialized portal, ‘Tua Saúde‘, There are other properties that are equally important: They prevent cancer, favor the increase in muscle mass, treat and prevent osteoporosis, avoid neurological diseases, fight constipation …
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