The hypertensionknown as “the silent enemy,” is much more common than we think. In Spain, one in two adults lives with this disease, according to data from the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC). Although in many cases it goes unnoticed because it is asymptomatic, its consequences can be serious if it is not controlled. The good news? Food can be a key ally to keep pressure at bay high blood pressurealthough it should never replace prescribed medical treatment.
“It is not that the diet replaces medication, but that it serves as a support to improve the general health of the hypertensive patient,” explains pharmacist Belén Acero, owner of Farmacia Avenida América and expert in dermopharmacy and nutrition.
Hypertension can appear due to different factors. As indicated by the dietician-nutritionist Elisa Escorihuela, these may be some of them:
– High stress levels
– Unhealthy eating habits
– Suffer from pathologies such as diabetes
– Overweight and obesity
– High alcohol consumption
– Sedentary lifestyle
– Insufficient hydration
– Advanced age
– Genetic predisposition
– High salt diet
What to eat when you have high blood pressure
Diet plays a determining role in the control of high blood pressure. According to Belén Acero, “the main focus should be on a diet rich in potassium, and to a lesser extent, magnesium and calcium. Potassium has a vasodilatory effect that helps reduce blood pressure. Its presence in the body counteracts the effects of sodium, which is the main enemy of hypertension. among the best potassium sources Foods such as bananas, avocado and spinach stand out. In addition, these nutrients are found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that, as an extra bonus, provide vitamins and antioxidants that benefit general health,” adds the pharmacist.
Although potassium takes the lead, magnesium and calcium They also play a prominent role in the battle against hypertension. “Magnesium promotes muscle relaxation, which includes the muscles of the walls of blood vessels, and calcium contributes to proper contraction and relaxation of the heart,” explains Acero. Among the most recommended sources of magnesium are dried fruitssuch as almonds and walnuts; and legumes, such as chickpeas and lentils. As for calcium, low-fat dairy products are an ideal option, especially natural yogurt, which also helps maintain healthy intestinal flora,” adds the expert.
The best fruits and vegetables for hypertension
The best fruits and vegetables for hypertension.
The key to combating hypertension is to fill your plate with color. Fruits and vegetables are a fundamental pillar to maintain a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients for cardiovascular health. In addition to being a natural source of potassium, its fiber content helps regulate cholesterol levels and control weight, two factors directly related to blood pressure.
«Spinach, for example, is a natural source of potassium and magnesium, two minerals essential for relaxing blood vessels. Berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, are not only delicious, but they also contain antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system. For its part, the avocado, famous for its content of healthy fats“It is an excellent option to maintain the balance of potassium in the body,” says the pharmacist.
Salt, the worst enemy of the heart
Today, cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure, stroke and high blood pressure, are some of the main deaths in our country. According to the National Institute of Statistics, during 2022 more than 120,000 people died from this cause, that is, more than 330 people a day.
The relationship between salt and hypertension is more than proven. «High salt consumption increases blood pressure because it causes fluid retention, which overloads the cardiovascular system. Reducing sodium in the diet is not only recommended, but essential. This means paying attention to processed foods, which are usually big culprits due to their high sodium content, and looking for natural alternatives to enhance the taste of food», advises the expert in dermopharmacy and nutrition.
«Spices such as oregano, ginger or curry are excellent substitutes for salt and also offer anti-inflammatory properties. It’s not about eating without flavor, but about learning to play with seasonings so that the food is healthy and delicious,” adds Belén Acero. Furthermore, the pharmacist makes a clarification that many people confuse or are unaware of: “When the doctor tells us that we must reduce salt, he is not referring so much to table salt, but much more to foods rich in salt, such as bread, sausages, cheese, preserves and prepared foods.
Small changes, big benefits

Adopting a healthier diet does not mean giving up life’s pleasures. Incorporating a few simple changes can make a big difference in your cardiovascular health. For example, including hibiscus or valerian infusions can help relax the body and reduce blood pressure. In addition, dark chocolate (70% cocoa or more) in moderate quantities can be a healthy treat thanks to its flavonoid content, which promotes heart health.
Finally, the healthy fatssuch as those found in fish rich in omega-3, are essential to keep the cardiovascular system in optimal condition. “Salmon, sardines and tuna provide essential nutrients for general well-being,” concludes Acero.
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