Hungary approves a law that prohibits the LGTBI Pride March

The Hungarian Parliament has approved on Tuesday an amendment to the meeting law that prohibits in practice the celebration of the LGTBI pride parade.

The rule has been proposed by the Fidesz party, of the ultra -nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán, and has also received the support of the deputies of the extreme right.

The text of the amendment indicates that “meetings that promote or exhibit the change of birth sex or homosexuality are prohibited.”

The amendment has been approved with 136 votes in favor and 27 against (36 deputies have not voted).

In the vote, the legislators of the opposition and liberal party Momentum have caught flares of the colors of the Hungarian, red, white and green flag.

The FIDESZ, which has been revalidating an absolute two -thirds majority since 2010, justifies the reform in the application of the so -called ‘Defense Law of Minors’ that aims to respect the right of children “to adequate physical, mental and moral development”.

“This is Facicism”

The organizers of the Budapest Pride, which concludes every summer with the LGTBQI pride parade, has denounced that the Orbán ultra -nationalist government treats the community as an scapegoat and that it restricts the peaceful protests.

“This is not minors protection, it is fascism,” emphasizes Pride Budapest in a statement.

“It is prohibited from celebrating any meeting that violates the prohibition established in the law of defense of minors,” says the amendment, determining as violation of the organization of these events and also the participation in them.

The controversy called ‘Minor Defense Law’, approved in 2021, is considered homophobic by different NGOs for relating homosexuality to pedophilia. The legislation has been criticized by the European Union, to which Hungary belongs.

That standard prohibits talking about homosexuality in spaces and publications for minors and forces bookstores to sell in closed envelopes the books in the youth section that address that issue.

Hungarian ultraconservatives have frequently shielded themselves in childhood protection to justify their campaign against the rights of the LGTBI population, which, according to specialized organizations, has had a great impact, rooting negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes.

As this legal change limits the right of meeting, the government is expected to promote a constitutional amendment so that the right of children to “the necessary care for their proper physical, mental and moral development” is above the other fundamental rights, with the exception of the right to life.

The democratic opposition has denounced that the amendment violates one of the fundamental rights and limits even more the rights of the LGTBQI+ community in the Central European country.

Orbán’s Anti-LGTBI campaign

The Orbán government has been progressively attacking the rights of this community for 15 years.

In 2011 he modified the Constitution and set that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. He subsequently forbade that same -sex couples can adopt children.

Despite Orbán’s policies, support for the pride parade continues to grow among the Hungarians. While in 2019 34% of respondents said that it should be prohibited, today they only think 27%.

The organizers claim that despite the prohibitions, this year the Pride Day will also be held, which is 30 years old in Hungary.

#Hungary #approves #law #prohibits #LGTBI #Pride #March

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