Pedal on an exercise bike to accumulate energy to later use to recharge your electric car. An idea that comes from Lithuania: thanks to the start-up Tukas EVspecialized in energy and clean mobility solutions, which has created a new model of its own HR Bank exercise bikewhich generates energy and accumulates energy to be reused to recharge other devices, be they smartphones or laptops.
Rather long times…
So also electric cars? Theoretically, the company says so, although there would be a discussion on charging times to be addressed. “The car charger should arrive up to 2 KWsince our HR Bank can power all devices up to 2 KW”, specifies the start-up. In short, it is a solution that has its pros and cons but which certainly represents something promising on the market landscape.
2 kW batteryh
What do we know about this exercise bike? First of all, it was designed with a 2000 Wh battery, which is enough to power the lights in a house for a week in case of an emergency. Furthermore, energy can also be stored in a high-capacity battery from the electricity grid, as well as from a car generatorfrom solar panels or from wind energy.
Sustainable solution
This is the second HR Bank model created by Tukas EV, and also in this case the Lithuanian company has used the same ones sustainable materials, using the same ecological production processes and relying on the same recycled materials. As for the bodywork of this bike, all the main components are made of aluminium, unlike the side panels which are made of FSC certified birch plywood from sustainably managed forests. Speaking of sustainability, the topic is back in the news of the circular economy: all parts of the e-bike can in fact be recycled at the end of their life cycle.
#Bank #recharge #pedaling #FormulaPassion