Because on the Internet, anyone can publish content without verifying whether it is real or not, it has caused Fake News to become increasingly popular, generating a wave of global disinformation.
Therefore, the National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain (INCIBE)which depends on the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service, issued a series of Recommendations to identify and combat disinformation In Internet.
What is Fake News?
The fake news, known as fake news, have become a growing concern in the digital age. These contents, designed to misinform, deceive and even manipulate users, spread quickly over the Internet, social networks and instant messaging.
Fake news can be presented in various forms, from completely false information to manipulated news or with real elements presented in a misleading way.
The CThe consequences of the spread of fake news are serious and include disinformationrisks to computer security, dangers to public health and damage to the reputation of people and institutions.
How to identify and verify the veracity of news
It is essential to develop skills to discern between fake and true news. Some effective strategies include verifying the source of the information, consult multiple reliable sources, analyze the URLs of origin, read the entire news and pay attention to the format and details. It is also important to apply common sense and use verification tools available online.
The deepfakes pose a particular threat, as they can mislead viewers by showing fictitious events or manipulated statements. It's crucial to watch out for signs like discrepancies between audio and image, alarming headlines, and irregular facial features. Furthermore, it is essential to develop a critical sense when evaluating the veracity of online news.
Finally, INCIBE recommends that if you find false content online, it is It is important to report or denounce it responsibly and using evidence.
#identify #combat #misinformation #Internet