Agents of the Civil Guard, belonging to the Madroñera Post (Cáceres), have delivered to their legitimate owners effects that had been stolen from a property they owned located in the Trujillo region.
It is about tableware and furniture of great historical and cultural valueamong other objects, valued by their owners at more than 500,000 euros.
The events date back to July of this year when an operation took place in the town of Madroñera for which a 41-year-old man was being investigated and who was subsequently arrested as the alleged perpetrator of numerous crimes against property due to robbery and theft perpetrated in different locations in the Trujillo area.
This person was immersed in an investigation that the Madroñera agents initiated after the filing of several complaints from residents of the town for the commission of robberies in homes, the Civil Guard has reported in a press release, in which it has pointed out that, in During the course of the investigation, they also obtained information about other robberies and thefts committed in nearby towns.
With the evidence collected by the agents, they requested an entry and search warrant from the competent judicial authority at the address where the person under suspicion habitually resided.
This search was carried out last July and with it the suspicions of the agents were confirmed, who found inside the house and in another property attached to it numerous stolen items.
It was then that the investigators carried out different efforts to locate the legitimate owners of these assets and, to date, the Civil Guard has delivered several effects recovered in this intervention.
This last action, in which the agents have returned stolen items to their legitimate owners, draws attention to their economic value because they are all old pieces. of great historical and cultural value.
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